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Lot code for product with multiple pieces

Started by , May 31 2017 02:53 PM
4 Replies

We are a small scale bakery that produces decorated cookies. The problem I'm facing is we make bags of cookies that have multiple styles of pieces inside. For example a bag of holiday cookies that might have a santa face, a reindeer and a tree. We assign lots codes to every batch of dough So each cookie in the bag may be from a different batch.


So for example


Santa from batch 01

Reindeer from batch 02

Tree from batch 03


This gets complicated when it comes time to package and multiple lot codes have to be labelled on the bag. Any suggestions?

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Could you assign 1 lot code based off of 3? So Santa-01, Reindeer-02 and Tree is 0-3. Anything packaged today is Lot-001. 001 represents lots 01,02 and 03.

Or Julian dates with an identifying number after it?

I guess I should have clarified this in the original post, but we have some bags that have 4 of each style within. So a 12 piece bag with 4 Trees, 4 Santas, 4 Reindeer.


So there's the potential to have to 12 different batches in one bag (unlikely, but between 4-5 would be common).


I suppose assigning a single lot code representing any batches within could work.

I would think that tracking the mixed batches internally would be easier and assign one code for the day or shift of production which may include line of production. A recall may include the days production or the lines production.

1 Thank

I agree with nd01ken, a lot code based on production day/shift would be easier. Then you can also collect the internal lot codes of the individual santas/reindeer/trees on your daily production paperwork in the event that you need to have a recall (knock wood). Good luck.

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