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Colour measuring of orange juice

Started by , May 15 2017 08:01 AM
4 Replies

Hi there,


Does anyone have experience with measuring colour of orange juice (single strength) and/or orange juice concentrate (FCOJ)?

I am looking for a method to measure colour and found several devices like the Hunterlab ColorFlex EX. How is it to work with such a device?


Is there a way to predict, from the colour of the concentrate what the colour of the single strength juice will be. Is there someone who has experience with this?


Any information appreciated. Thanks.


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Good morning!

we used the Hunterlab ColorFlex to measure the color of our juice and our processed cheeses.  It was very easy to use for the lab team and easy to calibrate. 

Thanks for your respond.

Just now I am testing the ColorFlex EX and i must say it is easy to work with.



you can use OJ tube which show color of orange juice from OJ 1 to OJ 6

you can use OJ tube which show color of orange juice from OJ 1 to OJ 6

It's a bit of an old thread, but yes, you can do this - just be aware that the usefulness outside of internal control is limited to those who recognise and understand the USDA grading system for Orange Juice / Concentrate ;)

Ironically it's arguably more tangible than L*a*b* colourspace, but you may find that some customers see this as more objective/scientific. Whether there is a justifiable basis for this is debatable, but alas the customer is apparently always right...

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