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Example summary form for Internal Audits

Started by , May 08 2017 03:48 PM
3 Replies



At our last audit, we were given a minor NCR for incomplete internal audit documentation. We did the audit with a 2nd party auditor and used some checklists to record the sections and the auditor used "y,n,na" answers and sometimes recorded information on which documents reviewed etc, but not for each section.  The main issues were that each section should state what docs/version of doc/date of doc, name of anyone interviewed, and should have a summary page at the end with the results and score (if any) and NCRs generated. 


Does anyone have an example of a "summary form" for the internal audit section? 


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At our last audit, we were given a minor NCR for incomplete internal audit documentation. We did the audit with a 2nd party auditor and used some checklists to record the sections and the auditor used "y,n,na" answers and sometimes recorded information on which documents reviewed etc, but not for each section.  The main issues were that each section should state what docs/version of doc/date of doc, name of anyone interviewed, and should have a summary page at the end with the results and score (if any) and NCRs generated. 


Does anyone have an example of a "summary form" for the internal audit section? 


Hi qfg,


i don't quite understand how fssc can be implemented by a 2nd party audit ?.


Offhand, it sounds to me like yr auditor was in a mood  for "nitpicking".

I should clarify, we need to internally audit all the FSSC sections every year and we have a consultant come to do the audit on all the sections annually and give us a report.  When the actual 3rd party auditor came to do the surveillance audit, he gave us the NCR for the report given to us by the consultant.   I hope that clears it up a bit :)

Hi qfg,


OK. Thks for clarification.


I'm not a user but i had a quick look through some of the IA examples for iso22000/iso22002-1posted on this Forum. None appeared to have summary appendages as you describe although one had a column for appropriate doc.refs.


However yr query looks very similar to the examples shown in the FSSC official handout attached below, see Pgs 3-4 -


fssc22000 audit guidance notes, 2013.pdf   33.67KB   169 downloads


i suspect this may be a fssc "thing" rather than a typical audit checklist procedure.


Other fssc22000 users here may hopefully have specific examples.

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