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Can TPC of tea exceed the Yeast & Mold content of tea?

Started by , Apr 27 2017 05:06 AM
3 Replies

Dear Charles
Can TPC of tea  exceed the Yeast & mold content of tea ?
B regards

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Yes. See attached file, annex 10 -
Compendium_of_Guidelines_for_Tea-Camellia_sinensis.pdf   511.12KB   74 downloads
PS - individual source specs for "tea" seem to vary considerably, eg -
instant tea - micro limits.png   57.68KB   3 downloads

1 Like1 Thank

Thanks for posting this.  we are just looking at getting into processing tea. 

Thanks for posting this.  we are just looking at getting into processing tea. 


You're welcome and thanks for the feedback.


There are maybe 2-3 other tea process threads here but could take a bit of finding. :smile:

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