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SQF and organizational structure

Started by , Apr 19 2017 01:42 AM
4 Replies

Good evening,

I would like your thoughts about a client who has identified a SQF practitioner who is also the Operations manager.  The President of the company is also the back up to the practitioner.  I have my own thoughts-just interested in the panel's views.

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Auditors will take a company's size into account. I work for a smaller company with approximately 60-70 employees. In our organizational structure I am listed as QA and Practitioner. In addition to that, I am listed as backup to: President, Ops Manager, QC, Bakery Supervisor and Packaging Supervisor.


Come to think of it, at one point I believe I was back up to maintenance during our initial audit... might still be. I'm going to go look into that. Point being, in smaller companies you're forced to "wear many hats" as they say and auditors understand that.


Company size aside, Ops Manager fits the criteria laid out in

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The company I work for has 5 people...and that includes the two owners, myself, and two guys who do just about everything from maintenance to production.


I am the Operations Manager, as well as the SQF Practitioner.  My back-up is the President/Owner of the company.


I sure hope it's OK...because we don't have any other option if it isn't!!  Hahaha  :spoton:

Current SQF Code (Module 2) does not say who can or cannot be the food safety practitioner.  It does list the requirements for the FSP.

I see nothing wrong with that set up.

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