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Vulnerability assessment for fraud for BRC

Started by , Mar 30 2017 03:57 PM
5 Replies
Hi all,
first of all, i have to thank all of you for your precious clarifications.
I´m implementing BRC foods an IFS and i´m reaching a point were i´m not thinking clear, and doubts begin to appear.
I have already created a Food defense plan (to answer to IFS) and i´m trying to create a vulnerability assessment for fraud for BRC.
Can anyone help me, i need to see an example of a simple fraud assessment?
Thank you
Paula Silva 
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Hi all,
first of all, i have to thank all of you for your precious clarifications.
I´m implementing BRC foods and IFS and i´m reaching a point where i´m not thinking clear, and doubts begin to appear.
I have already created a Food defense plan (to answer to IFS) and i´m trying to create a vulnerability assessment for fraud for BRC.
Can anyone help me, i need to see an example of a simple fraud assessment?
Thank you
Paula Silva 



Hi Paula,


Welcome to the Forum ! :welcome:


"Simple" depends on yr interpretation. :smile:


For BRC/VA-fraud, can have a look at these threads -







1 Thank

Your food defence plan may be enough.  The requirements of BRC are pretty vague right now but as I understand it are focussed on the supply chain not on in factory hazards.  Best option may be to look at the interpretation guideline.

Hi all, thank you for your replies, Charles and GMO,
that´s the problem, BRC requirements are vague. But with my Food Defense Plan I can´t respond to the supply chain evaluation, I have to do a separate plan. I'm going to attack this question this week, then I'll tell you the result.
Thank you all.

Hi Paulas,


You are right, the food defense plan will not meet BRC requirements.  BRC Issue 7 specifically requires that "A documented vulnerability assessment shall be carried out on all food raw materials or groups of raw materials to assess the potential risk of adulteration or substitution." (5.4.2).  


A food defense plan could be effective in preventing anyone from fraudulently tampering with raw materials INSIDE your food facility - although this is not the primary purpose of a food defense plan - but it won't address any sort of adulteration or substitution that might happen BEFORE you receive the raw materials.


The BRC have written and published a guidance document: Understanding Vulnerability Assessment (2015), which can be purchased from the BRC bookshop for 45 British pounds.  


Good luck!

1 Thank

Hello Paula,


Our last year audits against BRC V7, auditors focused on EMA. We actually had the food defence plan but she just read it. He interviewed me thoroughly about supply chain vulnerability assessment of fraudulent activity for economic gain.




1 Thank

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