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Complaints (CPMU) - Industry Standard

Started by , Mar 27 2017 09:53 AM
1 Reply

Hi All, 

Looking for general thoughts on targets for CPMU (Complaints Per Million Units and it is the number of complaints received in a month divided by total sales for the month times one million).

Industry = health nutritional, supplements

Do you know of a food manufacturing best target for this type of ind


ustry? Looking at previous threads, I found targets for dairy, ready meals, bakery, sandwiches, but nothing for our type of industry. Our products are quite expensive, and I imagine if someone buys a 5kg pouch of a ‘banana flavour’ whey protein for example and they don’t like the flavour, they will complain.

All thoughts, suggestions etc will be greatly appreciated

 Many thanks

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CPMU is one we use. We base the target on previous performance (with a 10% reduction). Or just bench marking on your own previous performance.

We now also use DCPMU (defective components ) This then eliminated the ones which are about preference /flavour etc. BUT 1 complaint for a pack of 6 crushed items (for example) now becomes 6 defective units. The number will be bigger.

I think the target all depends on your industry, your process, actual capabilities, the value of the product .


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