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Detection of oil residues on surfaces by swab or fluorescence?

Started by , Feb 23 2017 06:49 PM
2 Replies

Hello everyone,


I'm looking for a way to evaluate whether a surface or packaging material might have oil residues. The food grade oil on our packaging equipment fluoresces, so I can look for large spills that way, but I'd like to be able to swab a surface or a PET preform and confirm that it is free from oil residues. Is there anything like that out there technology-wise? Looking to detect trace amounts beyond "it's oily to the touch".

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ATP swabbing should be sufficient, if you are speaking of animal or plant-based oils, assuming they contain protein(s).  Perhaps establish a baseline positive control first by swabbing an area you know is coated in the oil, to ensure that the oil will be detected by your ATP swab system?

1 Thank

I'm curious about this too. What food grade oil do you use? We use petrogel, and ATP testing does not pick it up.

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