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Validation of Prerequisite Programs

Started by , Jan 31 2017 01:41 PM
11 Replies

Would anyone be willing to share their validation document or possibly offer some guidance on validation of pre-requisite programs for SQF such as document control (would this program need to be "validated")?


Also, how do you determine which programs need to be validated and which do not?


Thank you!

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Would anyone be willing to share their validation document or possibly offer some guidance on validation of pre-requisite programs for SQF such as document control (would this program need to be "validated")?


Also, how do you determine which programs need to be validated and which do not?


Thank you!


Hi wardtanya,


Today's post ?



1 Thank

Here is a snapshot of what we have put together as a "Validation & Effectiveness Report" for SQF compliance.  I have what you see below for the following SQF programs:

  • Customer Complaint Management
  • Business Continuity Plan
  • Document Control
  • Record Control
  • Food Safety Plan
  • Incoming Goods & Services
  • Product Release
  • Corrective & Preventive Action
  • Product Sampling, Inspection, & Analysis
  • Internal Auditing
  • Product Identification, Traceability, & Recall Programs
  • Food Defense
  • Allergen Management
  • Training Program
  • Premises & Equipment Maintenance
  • Calibration of Equipment
  • Management of Pests & Vermin
  • Cleaning & Sanitation
  • Personnel Hygiene & Welfare/Personnel Processing Practices
  • Monitoring Water & Air
  • Transport & Delivery
  • Control of Physical Contaminants
  • Waste Management


SQF System:

  • Policy 2.1.5 Customer Complaint Management
    • SQF Code Section 2.1.5 Complaint Management


Method of Verification                                                Responsibility                                               Frequency                                                   Verification Records


Review & approval of individual                      QA Director & Compliance Mgr.                 Prior to closing each complaint                   XXX Software - Customer Complaint Module

complaint records


Monthly complaint summary reports                  Compliance Mgr.                                              Monthly                                                       Emails and reports filed electronically

generated and distributed to necessary                                                                                                                                                             in Customer Complaint folder

management group




Method of Verification                                                        Frequency                                             Validated By:                                  Date of Validation                                       Result of Validation

Review Customer Complaint History & Trending            Twice per Year

Graphs as part of SQF Senior Management

Review Meetings.  Review failure category trends

from year to year comparisons for validation of

continuous improvement in a variety of areas (i.e.

transport & delivery, control of physical contaminants,



(Sorry I wish I could attach the actual file for you to use but unfortunately not a member at this time to do so. Hope you can get the picture as an example at least)

1 Thank

Hi srich,


Thanks for the post and Welcome to the Forum ! :welcome:


You are already able to upload files. Please click the "more reply options" which will display a new page. Then follow the boxes.

1 Like

Thanks Charles C.


I had tried that the first time and received errors 3 different times on 3 different document types so I was under the assumption I didn't have that privilege!   


I have attached the example for you to be able to download and edit. 

Attached Files

1 Like6 Thanks

Thanks for the example it really helped

Hi srich,


Thks for the file.


Personally i would hv described it as Verification (or Effectiveness) but I'm not a SQF user and i appreciate SQF chooses its own ways.

You can read replies from your email without logging into IFSQN.  I believe you have to sign in before you can download documents that people have attached in their replies.

Login should be at the top of the webpage.


If you do a word search for "verified" and "validated" on Module 2 and the other Module that applies to your type of business, you can see where the SQF code states that you must do verification and validation activities.


The definition that someone shared with me:

Verification = are you really doing the activity?

Validation = is the activity really controlling or improving the outcome?


Pest Control - verification means someone is documenting and then auditing that traps are being set and being checked.

Pest Control - validation means you are seeing fewer or no pests inside your facility.

You can read replies from your email without logging into IFSQN.  I believe you have to sign in before you can download documents that people have attached in their replies.

Login should be at the top of the webpage.


If you do a word search for "verified" and "validated" on Module 2 and the other Module that applies to your type of business, you can see where the SQF code states that you must do verification and validation activities.


The definition that someone shared with me:

Verification = are you really doing the activity?

Validation = is the activity really controlling or improving the outcome?


Pest Control - verification means someone is documenting and then auditing that traps are being set and being checked.

Pest Control - validation means you are seeing fewer or no pests inside your facility.


Another generic "synonym" for Validation is " Are you doing the right thing ?"


And a few thousand more.


And yet everyone seems to remain perplexed. :smile:

My auditor is asking me, "what specific criteria needs to be met for validating or verifying the sanitation program is meeting its intended purpose". He is also asking for the specific criteria used for validating all programs that need to be validated. 



My auditor is asking me, "what specific criteria needs to be met for validating or verifying the sanitation program is meeting its intended purpose". He is also asking for the specific criteria used for validating all programs that need to be validated. 




FS Standard unstated.

If SQF see Post 2 above and follow the links.


Basically validating/verifying the sanitation program typically involves ATP and/or micro and/or Visual.


The specifics for ATP will depend on instrument/yr environment/yr process


Some specifics for micro are here -




Yr penultimate sentence is ambiguous.

Your success in validation will show that there have been zero nonconformities found for the desired PRP.  It is good to have "concrete" measurements that you can run metrics off of but for things like pest control and personnel hygiene and welfare, it is the absence of nonconformities, or events that trigger corrective action, that measures the desired validation of your program.

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