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Sanitation Inspections for SQF - packaging

Started by , Jan 18 2017 08:30 PM
7 Replies

SQF, Module 13 Food Contact Packaging, titled Cleaning and Sanitation requires sanitation inspections. Is this the same as daily hygiene inspections which is stated in, title waste disposal?

Where else could I find guidance on what a daily hygiene inspection should include? And, a daily frequency seems a bit much, how are other companies handling this?


Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Include the sanitation inspection in your daily pre-op.
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We do not do a daily pre-opt.

SQF calls for a sanitation audit in 1 section and hygiene inspection (daily) in another. Same thing?

A. They are not the same.
B. Are pre ops and internal audits undertaken?

You could make these internal audits

Our clients conduct at least 1 pre op that incorporates these and others.
Wow, posting issues tonight! Meant to say once at least every 24 hours if running 24 hours a day, some run these before every shift... those interestingly enough are also the ones that do excellents.
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I HIGHLY recommend a daily pre-operational inspection.  The SQF code hints to it, but doesn't explicitly demand it directly.  As Glenn pointed out facilities that incorporate this as a daily practice do better in inspections, and in my experience have better quality results.


For our facility start-up, last May, we didn't have these in place...not a priority (way too many other things juggling in the air).  Once the daily equipment and facility pre-op inspection were put into place our quality improved on the filler, as well as, the overall facility appearance and GMP compliance.


We don't pre-op inspect all of our equipment, only the high-risk equipment, which is our packaging lines.  I've attached the forms we use for the equipment and our facility pre-op to get you started.  I recommend, if you want to ensure it is being followed keep it as simple as possible.  You can always revise it as necessary.

Attached Files

1 Like4 Thanks
Very helpful Ryan. Thank you!

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