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BRC S&D Issue 3 - Vehicle Temperature Controls

Started by , Jan 17 2017 04:16 PM
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I'm searching for a practical solution to the revised clause 5.4.2 which originally read:


Automatic temperature and time recording equipment shall be used to monitor and record the temperature of the load carrying area. In the absence of such equipment, manual checks shall be carried out and recorded at an appropriate frequency


Automatic temperature and time-recording equipment shall be used to monitor and record the temperature of the load-carrying area to ensure that the product temperature remains within specification. In the absence of such equipment, manual checks shall be carried out and recorded at an appropriate frequency.
Having recently attended a BRC Issue 2 - Issue 3 conversion course, it was explained that there had been an issue in hot climates where gauges in cabs were reading one figure but the temperature of the product was actually very different, hence the rewording. The requirement will now be to demonstrate that the temperature shown on the gauge in the vehicle cab (or Transcan for that matter) which indicates air temperature, keeps the   product at the required temperature. It seems non sensical to issue drivers with thermometers and ask them to do a daily comparison as that's adding to their workload and to some extent suggests the load area monitoring devices can't be trusted even though they are verified and calibrated on a regular basis.
My thinking, as I'm based in the UK where hot weather is pretty much restricted to 2-3 months of the year, is to do an annual verification between mid June - mid September of each vehicle using a calibrated infra red to verify that the display and actual product temperature do "match up". Anyone else any other thoughts or already tackled this one successfully?
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