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99 on our Level 3 Certification Audit!

Started by , Nov 04 2016 10:44 PM
13 Replies
I am the Regulatory Affairs Manager/SQF Practitioner at a beef processing company. I graduated from college and was pretty much thrown into the fire 11 months ago, at the ripe age of 24, with the task of leading our company to SQF level 3 certification.

I am thrilled to say we scored a 99 on our certification audit!

I spent a lot of time, in the beginning, reading just about everything on IFSQN. I wanted to give a big thanks to everyone on here for providing helpful information and great discussion topics. There should be no secrets when it comes to food safety. Cheers!
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Can you please advise me how to write the Food Quality Plan for SQF Level 3?  Do you have any templates


Can you please advise me how to write the Food Quality Plan for SQF Level 3?  Do you have any templates


Hi saeedmughal,


Can you please inform what kind of product/process is involved ?

WCT WTG, well done and thanks for letting us know. You set the bar high, now to maintain momentum and go after that 1%.

Best Wishes,

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1 Thank


Can you please advise me how to write the Food Quality Plan for SQF Level 3?  Do you have any templates

I do not have any templates without deconstructing my entire Food Quality Plan Manual, which is about 65 pages. I can give you an outline of how I have mine set up and organized, if that helps. What process or products will be covered in your FQP?

Congratulations! That is an impressive feat for sure. I'm a 22 year old college grad and I've been trying to accomplish the same for a Level 2 certification...only problem is, the company is small and communication is not a strong suit, so it's been quite difficult to get everyone on board.

Congratulations!  :rock:

Congratulations Cody!  We have several SQF clients that have scored 99 and one at 100 - we understand the level of dedication to achieve this and then to maintain it.  



IMO a score of 100 simply means the auditor missed something.


Shades of the debate between Numbers and Letters-Ranges.


Regardless, Cody, Many Congratulations ! :thumbup:

I do agree with Charles, any auditor worth their salt could find a minor NC or two among the documented system and/or the GMP in operation....in any business.




Congratulations!  It's wonderful when hard work pays off.

Holy smokes! Congratulations on the Excellent! That's wonderful!

first and foremost, congratulations that score is truly impressive trust me I'm only level 2 and my highest score was 98. I have a question I'm really struggling to create a quality plan for our SQF level 3 customer. do anyone have at least an outline that can guide me through this? all suggestions are welcomed.

first and foremost, congratulations that score is truly impressive trust me I'm only level 2 and my highest score was 98. I have a question I'm really struggling to create a quality plan for our SQF level 3 customer. do anyone have at least an outline that can guide me through this? all suggestions are welcomed.


The quality plan is difficult because you truly have to take a deep dive into your process and understand how the equipment, room temperature, product temperature, amongst other factors, affect your product. 


I would first define your quality attributes for your product(s). Then go through the process flow like you would for a hazard analysis but determine if there is anything that could go wrong at that step that would make or break quality. Then you can determine if there is a CQP at that step and what should be monitored. 


Many companies don't put a lot of effort into their quality plan since the SQF score doesn't affect them and its not necessarily required by law (saying to have a written quality plan) unless its infant formula or pharma. It can save your company a lot of money because it will ultimately reduce your food waste and consumer satisfaction. Happy to help write the plan. 

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