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Reliable software which will be acceptable to GFSI schemes?

Started by , Oct 12 2016 03:29 AM
9 Replies

Hi - With the increasing number of audits  (First , Second & Third party) its hectic to keep on maintaining the program.


Can anybody suggest a reliable software which will be acceptable to GFSI schemes.


Thanks is advance- Kishan

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Seriously, before you throw software and money at trying to organize, start by taking the time to use classes or online learning to use new tools in Excel. Excel is immensely powerful, can be made to be user friendly on the floor, and is normally a software license that your company already pays for. I use excel databases to:


Maintain specifications for suppliers, raw materials, and finished goods.

Auto-generate printable pallet tags using the information saved in my specifications

Log micro results, complaints, and equipment calibrations

Maintain indexes of controlled documents (SOP's, production records, label proofs)

Track quality checks and generate statistics on variance

Manage holds and create printable hold tags

Maintain a production schedule


I used these tools to the same effect at both a 400 person company and a 40 person company, with little variance. And these tools all allow me to generate performance statistics for both my Quality goals and production goals, and to leave a system that most new employees will find familiar and user-friendly.



To what specific programs are you inquiring about maintaining through software?  Inventory, statistical trending and analysis, register and calender notifications? 

Seriously, before you throw software and money at trying to organize, start by taking the time to use classes or online learning to use new tools in Excel. Excel is immensely powerful, can be made to be user friendly on the floor, and is normally a software license that your company already pays for. I use excel databases to:


Maintain specifications for suppliers, raw materials, and finished goods.

Auto-generate printable pallet tags using the information saved in my specifications

Log micro results, complaints, and equipment calibrations

Maintain indexes of controlled documents (SOP's, production records, label proofs)

Track quality checks and generate statistics on variance

Manage holds and create printable hold tags

Maintain a production schedule


I used these tools to the same effect at both a 400 person company and a 40 person company, with little variance. And these tools all allow me to generate performance statistics for both my Quality goals and production goals, and to leave a system that most new employees will find familiar and user-friendly.

Earth 20 i respect your point of view however looks like you are involve in very very small company compare to what we have which is above 4000 employees. 


Anyway thanks but no thanks. 



To what specific programs are you inquiring about maintaining through software?  Inventory, statistical trending and analysis, register and calender notifications? 

Guitardr85 thanks for your response. We are looking some sort of audit management software with the ability / flexibility:


  1. to incorporate our audit checklist
  2. Generate report
  3. statistical trend analysis
  4.  Populate follow up calendar 
  5. Automated notification

Trust you have an idea of what we are looking for and any suggestion are most welcome. Thanks.



So i performed a quick search for SPC software and came up with this list.  It may be worth looking at (or it may having nothing you are looking for  :shutup: ).  


Additionally, I have worked with several systems before and one I always find myself comparing things to is CatsWeb.  While not the most user friendly program, it is very versatile and robust.  Individual dashboards with notifications can be made as well as individual and departmental queries within the system which allow for an awe inspiring depth of functionality.  I have used this for document control and signing, document retention and statistical analysis.  You can even upload documents as PDF's (audits and such) as well as create complex task lists and due dates that are distributed and tracked globally if needed.


Maybe worth a second or two?

1 Thank

Apologies, i forgot to include the list I talked about in my previous post...



We recommend an affordable software solution to our clients that won't break the bank and one that we do not get a fee for recommending - called SQF Sentinel - applies to most GFSI such as SQF, IFS, BRC, etc.  www.focus-works.com

As a current and former user of Safefood 360, I will just throw that out there as an option.

It's pretty much an all in one solution for the things you say you want to track.



1 Thank

Safefood 360 for cloud based all formatted, and for server base Unipoint very flexible but you need to build.

2 Thanks

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