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Funny Food Safety Rules Poster

Started by , Oct 07 2016 09:04 AM
7 Replies

A bit of light relief.


Keep yourselves safe guys. :lol:


handwashing.JPG   114.47KB   22 downloads





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HA! love it  :happydance:  :roflmao:   :w00t:

 Incident report from our processing plant:


2 persons were kicked by their co-workers  : they sneezed to co-workers pocket


1 person ingested 5-peso coin when he tried to insert coin in to vending machine.


That incident happen after the saw the funny hygiene poster...hahahahaha..... :giggle:  :roflmao:  :biggrin:  :happydance:

1 Thank

That is HILARIOUS!   :thumbup:

A bit of light relief.


Keep yourselves safe guys. :lol:



The funniest bit is that when I saw the 1st picture with the stick, I thought "what now"? Thank you, will prepare for my audit tomorrow.

Great laugh this afternoon, thank you!  My co-worker has asked if we have money in the budget for toilet seats for the entire team.  :happydance:  :cool:  :lol2: 

Great! Thanks for sharing!



:smile:  :biggrin:  

Just what the Doctor ordered, after a very frustrating week!

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