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Chlorine wash automated monitoring/datalogging equipment

Started by , Sep 30 2016 04:56 PM
4 Replies

Hi Everyone,


I'm trying to find a good solution for monitoring of temperature and chlorine of a detergent tank that can monitor continuously with datalogging. Currently we're using a titration at regular intervals to verify concentrations are in the correct range (around 100ppm free chlorine), but I want to move to an in-line continuous monitoring system.


I imagine there's some fruit and vegetable processors here that use a chlorinated rinse on their products, do you have any brands/setups that you would recommend that can:

Provide chlorine concentration readings in the 100ppm range

Are economical

Allow for easy datalogging if I wanted to say, print out a concentration vs. time curve for a day of production, rather than have my operators constantly write down readings.


I'm thinking something sort of like this, that I can plug into our tank or re-circulation pipe.


Hoping I can eliminate some operator error with this setup as well as increase confidence with tighter monitoring intervals.



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If you have a chemical supplier they should be able to help you with something like this.

Yes but I was hoping someone on here had a setup that they liked and could recommend. My supplier will be more than happy to sell me something he's never used before.

Ah, well I would put the ball in their court and ask them for references for that equipment they suggest.  I do this all the time with our chemical supplier.  Someone has used it somewhere...

you can try with Diversy, they do have automated dosing machine which can sense level of chlorine in water and dispense require amount of chlorine, but problem is changing of water every time after sanitation of vegetable or fruit is carried out.

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