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Monitoring above of Drop Ceiling Sanitation and Pest Activity

Started by , Sep 26 2016 11:16 PM
6 Replies

We received following Nonconformance during SQF facility audit. I was wondering what should be the best way to close out this Non-Conformance. By including this in weekly GMP audit or monthly GMP audit. In that case; how we check above the ceiling (By removing drop ceiling panel)? Please anyone can help ! 



Clause: Walls, Partitions, Doors and Ceilings Ed. 7.2


Drop ceilings shall be additionally constructed to enable monitoring for pest activity, facilitate cleaning and provide access to utilities.


No documentation was available to show the areas above the drop ceilings were monitored for proper sanitation and pest activity.


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Hi RajaBD,


Normally there would be an access point built in such as a hatch.


I would add to monthly GMP audits but would also want my pest controller to check up there.


Kind regards,



Thank you Tony.

I agree with Tony, we are SQF as well and our pest control operator checks the ceilings monthly during his monthly routine.  Make sure to also have it documented or you did not do it.


Kind Regards,

1 Thank

Consider for the PCO to add devices in that area so it "forces" him/her to inspect up there.  I know sometimes the PCO will say they looked, but never did...  Just be sure the device placement doesn't add any other risks to the ingredients, product, process.

1 Thank

Consider for the PCO to add devices in that area so it "forces" him/her to inspect up there.  I know sometimes the PCO will say they looked, but never did...  Just be sure the device placement doesn't add any other risks to the ingredients, product, process.


As a check up now and again I would leave a note in a bait box/device for the pest controller to contact me when they found it. That way I knew they had checked it. Best practice should be for them to initial and date the bait box/device anyway.


Kind regards,



1 Thank

We received following Nonconformance during SQF facility audit. I was wondering what should be the best way to close out this Non-Conformance. By including this in weekly GMP audit or monthly GMP audit. In that case; how we check above the ceiling (By removing drop ceiling panel)? Please anyone can help ! 



Clause: Walls, Partitions, Doors and Ceilings Ed. 7.2


Drop ceilings shall be additionally constructed to enable monitoring for pest activity, facilitate cleaning and provide access to utilities.


No documentation was available to show the areas above the drop ceilings were monitored for proper sanitation and pest activity.


Hi Raja,


It's a good opportunity to deputize the Maintenance Section to assist QA. They love crawl spaces.

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