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Microbiological acceptable levels for fresh juice

Started by , Sep 21 2016 11:28 AM
1 Reply



I am making cold pressed, fresh juices. No additives to extend the shelf life.

All juices except one have a low pH below 4.2 and have been tested by a lab. Though I do not know safe levels of the bacteria, yeast etc tested by the lab.  Only that they were safe. 


I have another customer that just wants beetroot juice. They have asked for a product specification which I am struggling with. I have not had this juice tested at the lab and the pH is higher than 4.2.


Is anyone able to help with safe levels of microbiological content? They have asked for this. So if they were to test the juice, what levels would be safe. I have asked the lab for this info but I need to the spec to the company asap and am running out of time. 


Is anyone free to give feedback on how to improve the product spec. I have researched lots but most of the content of other threads and online things have gone over my head and I ended up deleting bits I did not understand and probably need to add it back in.


I am in the UK.


Thank you

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I don't have a specific spec for beetroot, but The Health Protection Agency publish a document called "Guidelines for Assessing the Microbiological Safety of Ready to Eat Foods Placed on the Market"


This has limits for most foods including fruits and fruit products.


I would be careful of relying on a pH of 4.2 as there are some pathogens including salmonell spp which will survive and grow down to ~3.7

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