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Raw Material Suppliers Performance KPI's

Started by , Sep 13 2016 04:38 PM
1 Reply

Dear Food safety and quality professionals,


Hope all are fine.


to better control the raw materials quality and non conformance, please share me if you have any excel template where I am looking below points.



To be honest, our supply chain team is not so bother about the suppliers non conformance as they are looking always to bring cheap materials. This is very big challenge to our quality team where we have to control the raw material defect in the line. More than that our process line is completely manual sorting, we are not able to ensure that finished product is 100 % free from defects.or our standard. 


hence I am looking for a single excel sheet or KPI graphs or charts template at least I can submit my management monthly or yearly to acknowledge them somewhat easy.



1) I need to show all the materials received quantity per month by supplier by supplier  vs   Non conformance

2) but above cases one challenge. some time our non conformity will be qualitative or some time quantitative. So will be very helpful if I can present both issues in same chart. For eg: some time I receiving big quanitity ( X) with (Y percentage ) defect in whole lot. whereas in other case Same big quantity (may be X) but the defect will be only some bags from whole lot. 



Looking forward your kind comments.


Best regards,

Mohammed salim




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You might not find ready made excel format for the requirements. The format you are looking for need to customize according to your requirements and parameters you want to the supplier your complies to . 


We developed own assessment sheets to continually assess supplier performance like for example: 


-  Material quality

-  Shelf life dispatches compliance 

-  Order fulfilment

-  Material condition 

-   Packing quality and etc., 

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