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Policy and procedure for handling rework of leftover WIP

Started by , Aug 18 2016 06:14 AM
1 Reply



I need help in putting together a rework policy and accompanying documentation.  I work in a cake company and when there is leftover icing it is used in the next batch of cakes. The icing does not undergo any changes ie chocolate icing stays chocolate icing. The icing is at a maximum 3 days old.

On a second note, we make sponge cake specifically to use for cake crumbs in specific mixes, Does this fall under rework?


Thank you for the help

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The first I could definitely see being a traceability issue, and you'll probably need to record the weights of the leftover, so you can determine what is being left remaining in the new batch of icing. Have you done any sort of micro testing to determine if that icing is safe to consume at that point (probably yes because of preserves, but you never know).

Do you include the sponge cake ingredient in the new product and do you have a way to trace this spongecake? It sounds like you're reworking, but is it documented properly?

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