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Letter of Guarantee - how to turn down the customer in a polite way?

Started by , Jul 22 2016 04:21 PM
10 Replies

Hi all,


I'm not sure is this a correct place to have discussion on this topic.

One of my customer request Letter of Guarantee to them on food safety, but the thing is we have already ISD certified company, n have forwarded d cert them yet they still request a Letter of Guarantee. Any of you have encounter this before n how do you all turm them down in polite way?

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Gee whiz, all your customer wants is a letter, why not send them one?

What would prohibit you from sending one? 

Hi all,


I'm not sure is this a correct place to have discussion on this topic.

One of my customer request Letter of Guarantee to them on food safety, but the thing is we have already ISD certified company, n have forwarded d cert them yet they still request a Letter of Guarantee. Any of you have encounter this before n how do you all turm them down in polite way?


Hi carine,


If you would like a simple method, how about  "Contrary to Company Policy" ?.


The interpretation/leverage/consequences  of bestowing "Letters of Guarantee" may perhaps vary with the location/situation/regulations.

Letter of Guarantee or Letters of Conformity are just to show that you are in compliance with industry requirements and legislation for food safety.  The word Guarantee sometimes makes people nervous because they think you are guaranteeing 100% your product and service assuming liability,  There is a lot of debate about LoG's.   If you do not send one, your customer may suspect you may be hiding something for not possibly complying with their Supplier Approval Program.  As mention one of the posts, It will depend on location/situation/regulations/third party audit Certifications.


I hope this Helps

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Dear Kellio, 


i'm agree with you , when come to LOG means 100% in product guarantee, but nobody will assured 100% in safety n quality. This is why we r in dilemma in issuing out the LOG.

1 Thank

Hi carine,


This thread illustrates why a LOG may not be such a big deal in some situations.



But  your environment/situation may be different.


IMEX as a Surveyor, the word "Guarantee" was implicitly prohibited for use in Reports since, regardless of Scientific inaccuracy, the Report's subsequent utilisation was typically unknown.

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My best advise to you is to create a Letter of Conformity and state that you are in compliance with industry certifications and regulatory requirements (make sure you list the requirements and regulations) . I implemented this type of letter and our customers are very please with it. Sometimes, you have to explain and train so the customers understand.

I hope this helps.

Hello All,


In our situations where our suppliers may find hard to make a Letter of Guarantee, we prepare ourselves and let the suppliers sign. Your buyer might have been ask by a CB to provide one from there supplier. Let them (buyer) prepare the LOG, read the content, if it is agreeable with you sign it. It could also helps gaining trust from your buyer that you are not hiding something and that you are complaint to regulations.




1 Thank

agree with all people..

IMO.. you have to make letter of compliance with FSMS and regulatory..here is the sample letter statement that i made to customer :


" PT XXX is commited to ensuring our products meet the regulation. Our quality assurance processes and food safety standards are based on meeting international regulatory standard  as well as specific customer requirements.

We have never had a problem of this nature and would not expect one to arise in the future as we have in  place a comprehensive Food Safety Management System (ISO 22000) which control our raw materials, processes and finish products to achive high quality and safe products..."




AS Nur

1 Thank

No I wouldn't use the word "controls" and I also would agree that I wouldn't be keen on sending a "letter of guarantee" either.


How I'd word it is something along the lines of:


Company xxx is subject to xxx legislation and has been audited by competent authority xxx on date xxx.  Company xxx also operates with a comprehensive Food Safety Management system, is accredited to ISO 22000 and is independently audited to ensure compliance.


We hope that this is sufficient to confirm our commitment to food safety as a business... etc.

2 Thanks

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