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IFS ver 6, clause 3.4.9: Hygiene Monitoring Risk Assessment

Started by , Jun 04 2016 03:20 AM
1 Reply

Hi, my company is doing seafood processing and we do hygiene monitoring such as swab test on worker's hands etc. I have a problem to fulfill IFS ver 6 requirement clause 3.4.9 "based on hand analysis and assessment of associated risks, there shall be a program to control the effectiveness of hand hygiene." I have the existing schedule for hand swab but i dont keep any risk assessment on this, thus anyone can share their risk assessment? or any opinion on this subjecyt?

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Hi, my company is doing seafood processing and we do hygiene monitoring such as swab test on worker's hands etc. I have a problem to fulfill IFS ver 6 requirement clause 3.4.9 "based on hand analysis and assessment of associated risks, there shall be a program to control the effectiveness of hand hygiene." I have the existing schedule for hand swab but i dont keep any risk assessment on this, thus anyone can share their risk assessment? or any opinion on this subjecyt?


Hi daisy,


I'm not a user of IFS but here is a simple suggestion -


Generic Suggestion for Low Risk Process


Hazard – pathogenic micro. contamination via hands contacting food

Control measure – effective handwashing PRP (inter alia)

monitoring –

(a) visual at daily start-up, etc

(b) micro. evaluation of hands (average) of 3 randomly selected employees / month via APC measurement

Acceptable Micro Level after cleaning, APC  not > 100cfu/cm2

Corrective Action – Follow Up/Re-training/Verification for unsatisfactory cases.

Sampling frequency to be doubled in case of  100% failure for any monthly sampling or average failure rate   >20% for any 3 month period. Together with additional training sessions.


Increase basic frequency(s)/tests for High Risk Process.

3 Thanks

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