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Quality Manuals For Benchmarking

Started by , Feb 17 2004 01:52 PM
10 Replies
Hi all,
I'm new to this forum. I'm quite impressed by the layout and discussions scope.
I'm from the C*#!! C*#! forums and, I'm glad to find another professional like forum to take part in.

I'm looking for access to a few Quality manuals for benchmarking purposes.
I have offered my free services to a warehousing company (Friend) who needs to make the transition to ISO9K2K.
I've had a look at their 9002 94 standard manual and, it certainly needs a lot of work to transition. I would therefore be delighted to have access to different manual formats, this would be a great help.
Thanks in advance.
Wallace Tait
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Hi Wallace,

I have no problems with you having a look at the Management Systems Manual that is in place with my organisation. Please note I have dropped the 'Quality' from the title.

As I am at home whilst writing this and the latest version is at the office, I will send it on my return to the millstone.

9K2K gives you the chance to really reduce the size of the manual to be the classic signpost to the rest of the system.

Hi Puzzle,
I appreciate your openness.
I look forward to receiving the manual. I'm kinda struggling with this as, My friend has certainly been delinquent regarding servicing his QMS as an ISO 9002 system.
Hi Wallace,

Thanks for your comments, although it's very nice of you to mention us in the same sentence as the C*#!! C*#! we are not there just yet.

Anyway welcome to the forum and I'm sure we will be able to find a couple of examples for you. I will upload or email you another example manual tomorrow. In the meantime you might want to take a look at the page below, which is quite a useful reference:


By the way thanks (Puzzle) Chris.

Hi Wallace,

welcome in Saferpak World

Enjoy yourself

NASA ISO 9000 documents

As promised another example quality manual. I've put it in the members only document download area, follow this link:


Hi Simon,

I think I would need to take a chainsaw to it and slim it down :D
I have your super sleek and slimline Q manual to hand and it's thin enough that I'm actually going to read it. :)

How about removing your company name from it and uploading it as a refernece for other members. :)

It's up to you.

What more can I say but, very well done, I liked it.
Thanks for the link to an example Q manual, I'll get my teeth into it tommorow, while traveling through to Toronto.
Cheers guys.
Puzzle, I really like your Quality Manual. It's concise, written in plain English and includes all the necessaries.

A good example to follow. Just one thing what's the difference between a blue book and a green book?


What kind words :D

There is a subtle difference bteween th etwo colours.

Blue - our mould shop information, contains hard copy setting sheets, first-off and all inspection instruction, operator (where required) instruction, packing and any other relevant info.

Green - is for the secondary/assembly area, where there is more information on the task due to the presence of an operator. Plus the specific quality requirements.

Hoe that helps.

The manual also covers 14001 :D

You might start to get the feeling of what I meant when I stated a while ago (somewhere) of the total integration of 9k2k and 14001.

Embarrassed of Puzzleland

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