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Different hairnets signs - is it a requirement to cover ears?

Started by , Apr 19 2016 08:25 AM
7 Replies

Hi all,


We recieved a remark during a customer audit that our hairnets signs where not correct. We have the sign with side profile. Ears are not covered and little bit of hair is sticking out.

I've found another sign, but I got confussed why is there more then one hairnet sign? Is there an official hairnet sign which mention to cover your ears?


Is it always a must that you should cover your ears? I thought it was more important that all the hairs where inside the hairnet.


Thank you




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All retailers I've worked with require mob caps which cover all hair and ears and have done for some time.  I think the wisdom is that covering the ears helps the mobcap stay in place and helps stop people messing with their ears!


Why not just take your own pictures?



Agree with GMO 110%.  These days pretty much all the facilities I see require users to cover ears.  The only feedback I have received on that is from those who have non-existent ear lobes.  Makes it difficult to hand the hair net over the ear without ear lobes.  Large size hairnets are the answer to that challenge - they just hang down longer and do not get easily pulled up.  Good idea to have your own pictures too!

There is not one sign because there is no 'rule' on hairnets and ears.  The BRC standard says "fully contains all scalp hair to prevent product contamination", nothing about ears.  


In practice requiring the hairnet over the ears addresses issues listed by others and is becoming the expected 'norm'.

IMO, it’s up to management decision to cover the ear or not. If we insist to cover the ear then, food handlers are also insisted to wear mask. 

Thank you all for the replies!

I ordered new signs and also discuss how to wear the hairnet during the hygien training with this photo I found online (not me).



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We got a ding a few years ago from a BRC auditor for harnets not covering ears and being tied at the back, the perps were young men with tightly shaved heads.

I think the other rationale behind covering the ears (besides helping it to stay in place, stop messing with their ears etc) is to prevent ear wax from dropping out of your ear. They do drop out ! We just don't see or feel it. 

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