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1.1.6 legislation in countries where product is sold

Started by , Mar 23 2016 09:34 AM
7 Replies

Hi there, under clause 1.1.6 in BRC 7 its says.. sites must understand and comply with any applicable legislation where the product can reasonably be expected to be sold. We export a small number of jams and marmalades to USA, Dubai, Germany, UK, Kuwait and Luxembourg but I can't get any info on legislation in relations to jams and marmalades in these countries. Would anyone know how to acquire this info pls?




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Hi there, under clause 1.1.6 in BRC 7 its says.. sites must understand and comply with any applicable legislation where the product can reasonably be expected to be sold. We export a small number of jams and marmalades to USA, Dubai, Germany, UK, Kuwait and Luxembourg but I can't get any info on legislation in relations to jams and marmalades in these countries. Would anyone know how to acquire this info pls?





Hi Sandra,


IMEX the info. is normally obtainable from the importer since they are usually obliged to clear/distribute it.

1 Thank

Hi Sandra,


To add to Charles' post, from BRC guidance, note the reference to labelling as well:


The company needs to demonstrate that it can readily access, either directly or through a third party, legislation relating to the product in the country, state or territory where:
• raw materials are sourced
• the product is manufactured
• the product is sold to the ultimate consumer (if known).
The auditor will therefore look for evidence of systematic checking and the process for ensuring the information is transferred into action as necessary.
Sites must understand and comply both with relevant food safety and labelling legislation in the country of manufacture and with any applicable legislation where the product can reasonably be expected to be sold.


Some useful information may be found in the following links:



Council Directive 2001/113/EC of 20 December 2001 relating to fruit jams, jellies and marmalades and sweetened chestnut purée intended for human consumption


KUWAIT Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards Narrative


I would be wanting the exporters to provide relevant information to you but if they don't or you export yourselves then you may want to consider Leatherhead Food RA who provide regulatory guidance.


Kind regards,



2 Thanks

Being a member of an organisation may also help with compliance.  In the UK we have Campden BRI and Leatherhead who are both good sources of information.  Also can your "competent authority" help?  In the UK it's Environmental Health Officers.  Long shot but worth a try.

As for UK / Germany, legislation should be broadly similar due to the wonderful, hope we never decide to leave, EU.


1 Thank

Great, thanks so much so all that info. That will give me a good head start! :smile:

Hi Sandra,


In addition to that , I attached for you the GSO 640/2011 " JAMS, JELLIES AND MARMALADE "

, GSO is a GCC Standardization Organization  , GCC countries are Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Oman .


ِs a Quality / food safety this is the important data , other administrative requirement , special pre-registration I think is not a QA , however your importer can send you all the related data .


Best regards,





Attached Files

2 Thanks

Hi Sandra,


In addition to that , I attached for you the GSO 640/2011 " JAMS, JELLIES AND MARMALADE "

, GSO is a GCC Standardization Organization  , GCC countries are Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Oman .


ِs a Quality / food safety this is the important data , other administrative requirement , special pre-registration I think is not a QA , however your importer can send you all the related data .


Best regards,


 Hi Ehab,


Thanks for the above.


It looks near-identical to the Codex Standard listed in the reference.


Codex standard jams, jellies, marmalades - CXS_296e.pdf   47KB   34 downloads

1 Thank

Many thanks both :)

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