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Is it prerequisite to buy the standard for BRC-IOP version5?

Started by , Mar 17 2016 12:02 PM
7 Replies

Is it requisitite to buy the standard for BRC-IOP version5? At what page it is referred?

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I don't believe that you are required to buy a copy, but you are required to have a copy. Some of the PDFs can be downloaded free.

1 Thank

hi Foodeng ,


please refer to clause :


1.1.5 The site shall have a genuine, current hard copy or electronic version of the Standard available.


BRC packaging material issue 5 page 15





1 Thank

hi Foodeng ,


please refer to clause :


1.1.5 The site shall have a genuine, current hard copy or electronic version of the Standard available.


BRC packaging material issue 5 page 15






This is true, but as BrummyJim stated a downloaded pdf is acceptable. I have clarified this with both the BRC bookshop and our certifying body. This is a change from issue 4 where you were required to purchase the book.

Hi Mlissa,


One wonders what defines a genuine electronic version ? Provably downloaded from BRC Bookshop for >= 0 (currency units) ?

Hi. I downloaded an official free pdf version of the standard from the BRC Bookshop ( http://www.brcbooksh...g-and-materials ). The only requirement is to create a log-in account with the bookshop. I then just printed it off and put into a nice binder file.




The availability of free PDF copies of all the BRC Global Standards was a well received change. The links above takes you to the right place.


The point about genuine - the process of downloading the free PDF requires you to input contact information - which then puts you on the list to receive any updates, alterations, changes and formal interpretations - which do happen with all the Standards on occasion, so downloading a copy direct, as opposed to an e-mailed copy that will not be kept up to date, is relevant.



The availability of free PDF copies of all the BRC Global Standards was a well received change. The links above takes you to the right place.


The point about genuine - the process of downloading the free PDF requires you to input contact information - which then puts you on the list to receive any updates, alterations, changes and formal interpretations - which do happen with all the Standards on occasion, so downloading a copy direct, as opposed to an e-mailed copy that will not be kept up to date, is relevant.




Hi John,


I assume the BRC IOP Standard has similar characteistics to the Global Food Standard.


It wud have been nice if the free download was "unlocked". Presumably not a criterion for genuineness.


But all assistances are  Welcome of course.


Thank you.


PS - Just  an afterthought -


I'm sure an enormous number of people would appreciate some expanded text/examples somewhere in the BRC Standard(s)  to explain  what (types of) option may acceptably qualify as a "Risk Assessment". Possibly even a locked free download ?

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