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Customer requirements - Giving them site plans

Started by , Mar 02 2016 01:27 PM
6 Replies

I have noticed that there seems to be a growing requirement for customers to insist that as part of their supplier approval and monitoring that you supply them with a site plan.


Whilst I don't see an issue with giving this document to our BRC certification body or the large retailers, I am reluctant to give this out to all and sundry who only order small amounts of product.  I feel that there are security issues with this.  It's the same for customers requiring that you copy them with your vulnerability assessment.


What are the views of members of the forum?

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Hi Classic,


We don't ask for site plans from any of our suppliers. I don't think many of our customers care either.

I'd say no, sorry we don't give out sensitive information that could jeopardize our food defence program.


I mean what do they want with that information for, what on earth are they going to do with it?  :doh:


Sometimes you can say no to customers.




1 Like1 Thank

I have noticed that there seems to be a growing requirement for customers to insist that as part of their supplier approval and monitoring that you supply them with a site plan.


Whilst I don't see an issue with giving this document to our BRC certification body or the large retailers, I am reluctant to give this out to all and sundry who only order small amounts of product.  I feel that there are security issues with this.  It's the same for customers requiring that you copy them with your vulnerability assessment.


What are the views of members of the forum?



Hi Classic,


You should not give your site plans to your customers. I'm not even sure why anyone outside of your own company would even need them. There are a select few of our documents outside of technical data that we distribute (flow diagrams are one type we will distribute), but anything with sensitive information is controlled.



HI Classic


I'm thinkimg maybe they want  to see allergen movement throughout your site.but then again they would say if they wanted this.




I've never had that request apart from at audit.



I agree with Simon, that a hint to the food defense plan is the right way. Our system today prevents to send out such kind of sensitive informations. And of course no copy during audit (even not from pest control plan etc.). But also in the time before we havn't provided this. But at that time it was not as easy as today to convince the customers.




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