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SQF Edition 8 - when is it due and what are the expected changes?

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Best Answer , 17 April 2016 - 05:31 PM

I received an update from Leann Chuboff, Senior Technical Director, Safe Quality Food Institute.


Highlighted Changes:

  • SQF Edition 8 will be released October, 2016
  • There will be a 6 month implementation timeline so the expected implementation date will be April, 2017
  • Changes to the Code will focus on issues that lead to recalls including:
    • Supplier Control Programs
    • Environmental Monitoring Programs
    • Labeling requirements
    • Food Quality Plans
  • Some of the specific changes would include:
    • Currently EMP is required for high risk/high care environments. SQF will  pull this out and require all facilities to conduct a risk assessment to determine the level of EMP that applies to their facility.
    • Level 3, Quality, will be a stand alone certification. This Code will be revised and strengthened to focus on the supplier’s Quality and Continuous Improvement programs.
    • Codes for Processing, Storage and Distribution, Food Packaging, and the pre-farm gate will be evaluated and revised to ensure industry and food safety are properly addressed.


Attached below is the presentation LeAnn did at the SQF Conference that outlined some of the changes for edition 8.


SQF 2016 and Beyond (7mb PDF)




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Posted 25 February 2016 - 12:15 AM

Has anyone read the SQF Version 8?  It is supposed to come out in July 2016,





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Posted 25 February 2016 - 12:54 PM

It would be 7.3, however unlike previous years SQFI has not as of yet rolled out planned changes, etc.

At least not yet.

Glenn Oster

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Posted 25 February 2016 - 01:29 PM

Interesting that it isn't out. My Auditor in Oct of 2015 was adamant that it would be out early 2016 and would affect my 2016 audit.  He was also quite certain it would be a sweeping revision warranting a Edition 8.  BUT he was a bit on the over-reactive side.   (smh)






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Posted 25 February 2016 - 02:02 PM

According to the auditor we had on Monday, we'll be seeing Version 8 this December. I figured they must have been gearing up for a whole number change as they've been unusually quiet about changes recently. However, she indicated no major changes were forthcoming, and the plan was mostly undergoing rewriting. I suspect they will be changing numbering around (yay.) and addressing some of their holes. I have found a few so far, and I'm an amateur.


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Posted 25 February 2016 - 02:12 PM

I should also mention that from what I hear SQF / NSF have been busy writing up and administering HARPC.  I think they will be late.


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Posted 25 February 2016 - 02:57 PM

I've emailed a couple of contacts; I'll post here if I uncover anything.

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Posted 25 February 2016 - 04:52 PM

As long as we're speculating, I heard from our auditor version 8 is coming out this summer.  I heard from an unnamed source that version 8 is going to see a separate certification for what we now refer to Level 2 vs Level 3.  That way, if you fail the "level 3," you can still pass the gfsi-benchmarked "level 2."  I have heard zero about a 7.3, only heard 8. 


If I recall correctly, 7.2 came out as a draft in March 2014, then the final came out in Jul 2014.  I'll be surprised if we see the draft that early, if indeed it's a version 8.


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Posted 25 February 2016 - 09:14 PM

Our SQF auditor for our audit earlier in the week said that Version 8 would likely be out in March or April '17 and that changes are primarily related to further convergence with FSMA. I his opinion if you have a very strong GFSI program you're 95%+ there.


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Posted 26 February 2016 - 03:33 AM

Won't SQF wait until GFSI Guidance Document Issue 7 is released and include expected GFSI updates?:

New food fraud mitigation key elements along with additional auditor competencies and scope extensions.




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Posted 26 February 2016 - 05:33 AM

You folks should really avail yourself of a wonderful little called the phone.

Call SQFI - they are a font of information about their upcoming stuff.

Glenn Oster

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Posted 26 February 2016 - 02:21 PM

I took your advice, Glenn, and called SQFI. They indicated that version 8 would be available come September, with the traditional 6 month phase-in. She did add that the plan is still in development, so I would take release dates with a grain of salt.


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Posted 26 February 2016 - 03:49 PM

You folks should really avail yourself of a wonderful little called the phone.

Call SQFI - they are a font of information about their upcoming stuff.

Glenn Oster

It's not nearly as fun, though. 


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Posted 29 February 2016 - 08:53 PM

They announced at the SQF Conference last November that the changes would be announced by the conference this October and go into effect either before the end of 2016 or the beginning of 2017.


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 08:23 PM

Hi y'all,
In addition to the previous replies-
based on the information provided at the Professional Update Webinar held in January, we could see:
 – Stronger approved suppliers requirements and evaluation of a site’s suppliers
– Allergen management requirements regarding labeling 
– Environmental being added to module 11
HACCP vs. HARPC being addressed
– FSCs 28, 29, 30 being removed
– Clarification of HACCP and Internal Auditing training required for practitioners and employees
- Root cause analysis being required to support corrective actions.
For more information, you could sign up for the next Professional Update Webinar to be held April 6:
Register - www.sqfi.com/events

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Posted 02 March 2016 - 09:48 PM

The New Version of SQF will be Version 8.0 and a possible Addendum to cover Preventive Controls Plans (FSMA). Estimated Time for release will be September 2016


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Posted 03 March 2016 - 02:07 PM

What exactly does "environmental" mean as it pertains to Module 11?


Other than another place for our money and time to be wasted, of course.


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Posted 04 March 2016 - 05:21 PM

Good morning,


Check this out:





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Posted 16 March 2016 - 04:52 PM

What exactly does "environmental" mean as it pertains to Module 11?
Other than another place for our money and time to be wasted, of course.

I think that you may be referring to environmental monitoring program. IMO a solid EMP is not a money and time waster. It's how your company can proactively monitor your facility for potentially pathogenic bacteria and, if found, put together an action plan to determine how the pathogen(s) get into your facility as well as how to eliminate the potentially pathogenic bacteria as well as preventing a recurrence of the issue.

Key activities include regular swabbing (not ATP, but sponge swabbing and testing for the presence of Salmonella and Listeria spp, for example; if you don't the capabilities to test in-house an accredited outside lab can be used), a corrective action plan in case you get positive results (this would involve cleaning and sanitizing affected areas, swabbing again to ensure that your sanitation was effective, vectoring out from the area(s) where the positive result was swapped in an effort to determine how and where the contamination is getting into the facility, and following up to ensure that re-contamination isn't occurring).

Note that most food companies don't directly swab product contact surfaces (usually referred to as Zone 1 surfaces) due to the fact that if you get a positive "hit" on a Zone A surface you may be looking at some extreme recall activity. Surfaces directly adjacent to Zone 1 surfaces (referred to as Zone 2), floor drains and floor/wall junctions (Zone 3), and surfaces like door knobs on plant entrance doors, floor mats at personnel entry points, etc. (Zone 4) are typically also randomly swabbed.

You're correct about a solid EMP not being a cheap activity, but it is an important step in that it's a PREVENTIVE approach which is what HACCP, GFSI, and FSMA are all pushing these days in order to catch and correct potential pathogen contamination in the food chain before it gets to the consumer.

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Posted 16 March 2016 - 05:46 PM

Thank you, esquef. Your well-thought out and researched answer is helpful.

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Posted 16 March 2016 - 05:55 PM

----RMAV note: excerpt of original post---


based on the information provided at the Professional Update Webinar held in January, we could see:
– Environmental being added to module 11


Environmental monitoring is already part of module 11 (for high risk processes).  Is environmental monitoring being added to all processes or does "environmental" in your post mean something other than environmental monitoring?  thanks!


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Posted 17 March 2016 - 02:35 PM

Environmental monitoring is already part of module 11 (for high risk processes).  Is environmental monitoring being added to all processes or does "environmental" in your post mean something other than environmental monitoring?  thanks!

I've heard that a couple of areas that will be "beefed up" in Edition 8 will be environmental monitoring and allergen management (also probably intentional contamination and food fraud in the Food Defense rule that should be finalized May 31st).

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Posted 17 April 2016 - 05:31 PM   Best Answer

I received an update from Leann Chuboff, Senior Technical Director, Safe Quality Food Institute.


Highlighted Changes:

  • SQF Edition 8 will be released October, 2016
  • There will be a 6 month implementation timeline so the expected implementation date will be April, 2017
  • Changes to the Code will focus on issues that lead to recalls including:
    • Supplier Control Programs
    • Environmental Monitoring Programs
    • Labeling requirements
    • Food Quality Plans
  • Some of the specific changes would include:
    • Currently EMP is required for high risk/high care environments. SQF will  pull this out and require all facilities to conduct a risk assessment to determine the level of EMP that applies to their facility.
    • Level 3, Quality, will be a stand alone certification. This Code will be revised and strengthened to focus on the supplier’s Quality and Continuous Improvement programs.
    • Codes for Processing, Storage and Distribution, Food Packaging, and the pre-farm gate will be evaluated and revised to ensure industry and food safety are properly addressed.


Attached below is the presentation LeAnn did at the SQF Conference that outlined some of the changes for edition 8.


SQF 2016 and Beyond (7mb PDF)




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Posted 10 January 2017 - 10:48 PM

Well, folks...it's finally here.


The SQF Edition 8 draft documents are released, and I spent a good part of my day skimming through them all to see what's new, what's changed, etc.


Did anyone else do so yet?  If so, what are your thoughts?




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Posted 11 January 2017 - 12:46 AM

Haven't been able to skimm. Have my normal audit in 7 weeks so I'm thinking in the present at the moment. And it seems like releasing the documents crashed sqfi.com as of this post :)


Based on the above highlights and attached slide deck, I'm not surprised by the increased focus on environmental monitoring and supplier approval. That's SQF making sure they reflect FDA's increased enforcement and liability for environmental samples (which leads to increased recalls mentioned in the slide deck), and addressing the upstream issue of non-consumer-facing suppliers being less accountable than those that sell consumer-facing products (e.g. Oregon Potato or Aspen Hills).


I worry about the supplier approval portion, I have a feeling it's going to require a personal site visit or GFSI audit to approve suppliers, which will come with large cost increases (especially if it covers things beyond ingredients like secondary packaging). Not that it isn't for good reason, and it increases the value of the certification, but it also isn't so valued by consumers that the price won't erode margins. If the price of having to use non-local suppliers or other restrictions becomes great, it could be a breaking point for small companies as to the ongoing value of the certification, when their volumes make them low risk for recall anyway.


I'm curious how they intend to reduce the number of recalls due to mislabeling. The current code covers review and verification of the correct labels/revisions pretty well so I imagine they'll focus on undeclared allergens sneaking in through raw materials, which again comes back to supplier approval. I wonder at what point SQF might ask for a risk assessment for milk or tree-nut residue testing on incoming materials or end-item as a standard practice. It's hard to argue that it wouldn't reduce the number of "mislabeled" ingredients because no one noticed the whey in a spice mix or the supplier thought it was "incidental".


Also curious if they'll cover heavy metals as a potential product risk after all the spice recalls, and how you would address that in general for most products.


Looks like I'll still be under Ed. 7 next year, so I have a long time to review and prepare. All-in-all, SQF remains a collection of "it's a good idea to do X, even if the risk is low", and any new requirements just make certification more valuable for those wiling to meet it. :)

Austin Bouck
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Posted 12 January 2017 - 05:09 AM

Excited by 8.0.

They are fielding for comment now.

I expect once set will follow roll out like the others with implementation within 6 months.

Look for July 1-5th as in effect date with the 6 month rule to follow.

Glenn Oster

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