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Risk Zones Hygiene Requirement

Started by , Dec 09 2015 04:57 AM
12 Replies

Hai guys,


Do you know some link where i can use as reference to determine the hygiene/cleaning requirements needed in a particular risk zone. The zone i identified are Low risk and enclosed product area. I'm having a head ache  :blush:





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1 Thank

Hai guys,


Do you know some link where i can use as reference to determine the hygiene/cleaning requirements needed in a particular risk zone. The zone i identified are Low risk and enclosed product area. I'm having a head ache  :blush:





Hi Joan,


I assume this is BRC7 Food.


the zoning system has analogies to some other systems but I suspect is unique to BRC in some respects


Can see this BRC document, esp. appendix, pgs 16-19 -


brc - Understanding_high_risk.pdf   7.48MB   347 downloads

( this is BRC6 so no ambient high care yet)(there may be an update to BRC7 but I haven't seen one)


PS -  the text within the BRC7 standard is also rather good IMO also but requires several readings IMEX.


PPS - you could post yr process here and get some free opinions :smile:


P3S - if it's really low Risk, the requirements are probably as spelled out in the Standard

1 Thank

Why don't you ask your cleaning chemical provider to come is and offer an opinion.


In the UK, they would do the cleaning instruction cards based on your process / production schedules.

Why don't you ask your cleaning chemical provider to come is and offer an opinion.


In the UK, they would do the cleaning instruction cards based on your process / production schedules.


I thought it would be based on your risk assessment?

Hi Joan,


I assume this is BRC7 Food.


the zoning system has analogies to some other systems but I suspect is unique to BRC in some respects


Can see this BRC document, esp. appendix, pgs 16-19 -


brc - Understanding_high_risk.pdf

( this is BRC6 so no ambient high care yet)(there may be an update to BRC7 but I haven't seen one)


PS -  the text within the BRC7 standard is also rather good IMO also but requires several readings IMEX.


PPS - you could post yr process here and get some free opinions :smile:


P3S - if it's really low Risk, the requirements are probably as spelled out in the Standard

Hi Charles,


That's what i've been looking for but not the content is not applicable to our site :(


Best regards,



I thought it would be based on your risk assessment?



Yes It would be, but they can help you do the risk assessment

Yes It would be, but they can help you do the risk assessment

Hmmm,,. That would make my job easier, but unfortunately I need it ASAP. making appointment would take time. 

Hi Joan,


I’m unclear what level of detail you are seeking.


Just to be sure, we are talking about BRC7, right ??


Do you mean you are (A) looking for a complete hygiene/cleaning procedures program for low risk/enclosed zones, eg with specific chemical types/everything  etc or (B) only a general layout to illustrate the differences between low/high/etc ?


The former (A)  will inevitably depend on details of your product/process.

For the latter (B) can have a look at the attachment below which, i think, is a detailed, general requirements layout of a Food Manufacturing System approx. aligned to BRC6 though probably with some individual "tweaks". The Base/Medium activities sort of relate to your mentioned areas of interest.


Food Manufacturing System.pdf   1.15MB   320 downloads


Alternatively for (B), I expect your basic enclosed/low risk zone requirements will also be probably covered within a GMP system such as detailed in the well-known US/CFR Publication. But their sectors will probably be less specifically aligned to a BRC type format. It depends what you want.


The risk assessment element, from a zoning POV, is intended to be self-supplied by the BRC chart. The specific (risk) foci for different zones are quite well detailed in the associated appendix text but i suspect you are less interested in that as compared to an "overall"  solution.

The TMFS is now on version 6.

Hi Joan,


I’m unclear what level of detail you are seeking.


Just to be sure, we are talking about BRC7, right ??


Do you mean you are (A) looking for a complete hygiene/cleaning procedures program for low risk/enclosed zones, eg with specific chemical types/everything  etc or (B) only a general layout to illustrate the differences between low/high/etc ?


The former (A)  will inevitably depend on details of your product/process.

For the latter (B) can have a look at the attachment below which, i think, is a detailed, general requirements layout of a Food Manufacturing System approx. aligned to BRC6 though probably with some individual "tweaks". The Base/Medium activities sort of relate to your mentioned areas of interest.


Food Manufacturing System.pdf


Alternatively for (B), I expect your basic enclosed/low risk zone requirements will also be probably covered within a GMP system such as detailed in the well-known US/CFR Publication. But their sectors will probably be less specifically aligned to a BRC type format. It depends what you want.


The risk assessment element, from a zoning POV, is intended to be self-supplied by the BRC chart. The specific (risk) foci for different zones are quite well detailed in the associated appendix text but i suspect you are less interested in that as compared to an "overall"  solution.

Hi Charles,


Its BRC Version 7 were talking about.

I'm looking for A, but its not necessarily procedures, cleaning frequency, PPE's, etc. would suffice. I used the decision tree to identify the different risk zones but the manual only provide the general approach of hygiene clearance required for each zones which make it a little fuzzy. What if they required some requirements or format that should be followed. Each auditor has different approach so i'm just playing safe.





Hi Charles,


Its BRC Version 7 were talking about.

I'm looking for A, but its not necessarily procedures, cleaning frequency, PPE's, etc. would suffice. I used the decision tree to identify the different risk zones but the manual only provide the general approach of hygiene clearance required for each zones which make it a little fuzzy. What if they required some requirements or format that should be followed. Each auditor has different approach so i'm just playing safe.





Hi Joan,


Do you mean you are trying to answer sections such as the red item below as would be appropriate for the Low Risk/Enclosed Product Zones ?




2.2.1 The site shall establish and maintain environmental and operational programmes necessary to create an environment suitable to produce safe and legal food products (prerequisite programmes). As a guide these may include the following, although this is not an exhaustive list:

•  cleaning and sanitising

•  pest control

•  maintenance programmes for equipment and buildings

•  personal hygiene requirements

•  staff  training

•  purchasing

•  transportation arrangements

•  processes to prevent cross-contamination

•  allergen controls.


3.4.4 In addition to the internal audit programme there shall be a programme of documented inspections to
ensure that the factory environment and processing equipment is maintained in a suitable condition for
food production. These inspections shall include:
•  hygiene inspections to assess cleaning and housekeeping performance
•  fabrication inspections to identify risks to the product from the building or equipment.
The frequency of these inspections shall be based on risk but will be no less than once per month in
open product areas.



addendum to previous post -


Just as an example, a fully worked, "complete" Sanitation [=Hygiene] Program is attached in this post (see ssop list.pdf) -




The (US Seafood) process example given (mix of low risk / high risk zones etc) is now relatively old so that the details will definitely not comply with the current BRC7 high risk zone plus certain requirements for non-High risk zones, but they may reasonably illustrate many of the basic GMP requirements for the non-high zone category / seafood (I didn't check all the content, allergens are one notable omission).


The format used for BRC is quite optional. The above example uses a section-by-section style. Many people here prefer, for cleaning, to use a matrix type Master Schedule plan. Numerous examples have been posted on this forum.


As you can see the details are likely to be regulation / standard / factory specific although many of the basic "Hygiene" principles are often common to different schemes.


One notable difference in current haccp systems is that the scope of the PRPs which at one time were mainly devoted to handling the Hygiene aspect has expanded to include more "process-related" activities some of which might be classified as more typical of QA than Hygiene. Plus the interpretation of some other  topics such as allergens.

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