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Root Cause Analysis Overview

Started by , Oct 18 2015 02:44 PM
7 Replies

Attached is a nice little overview of root cause analysis.  It is written for occupational health and safety, but some of the same thinking can be applied in a food safety context.




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Thanks, Simon, that is good find. Change some verbiage and it fits well with food safety. 


Oregon has always been very forward thinking with safety, and  their university system has a very comprehensive extension program with food safety as well.

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It would be nice actually if I had time to rewrite it for food safety, unfortunately with the weekly webinars and all I don't.


If anyone did have the time and inclination to do it I would be more than happy to publish it as an article on the IFSQN website for members.




Hiii simon... I am Namrata.. I would love to write it.. jst guide wat u want in it...

Sent from my HTC Desire 616 dual sim using Tapatalk

Does BRC expect a RCA for every non-conformity or just based on trending?

We complete RCA for HACCP Deviations and Foreign Material findings but struggle with completing RCA's for glass and hard plastic audits, monthly facility audits, and product holds.  At times we continue to state "wear and tear" for some of these non-conformities.

Wow nice video, related to food safety. Interesting!

Does BRC expect a RCA for every non-conformity or just based on trending?

We complete RCA for HACCP Deviations and Foreign Material findings but struggle with completing RCA's for glass and hard plastic audits, monthly facility audits, and product holds.  At times we continue to state "wear and tear" for some of these non-conformities.

3.10.2 Complaint data shall be analysed for signifcant trends. Where there has been a signifcant increase in a
complaint or a serious complaint, root cause analysis shall be used to implement ongoing
improvements to product safety, legality and quality, and to avoid recurrence. This analysis shall be
made available to relevant staff.


This is the only place in the Standard that specifically calls for RCA.

Unless you have a team that is solely dedicated to doing RCA/CAPA, there is no way you can perform RCA on every NC you find.




Certainly in ISO 9000 our auditor agreed that you don't invest time in sporadic non repeating issues. YOu set a threshold for investigation, justified by the infreqency or uniqueness of the incident. You log all complaints incase  a trend develops later

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