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Hand Washing in Catering - CCP or Not?

Started by , Oct 08 2015 04:48 PM
5 Replies



I am interested to know what others think about the issue of if handwashing is a CCP in a catering operation or can it be included in the pre-requisite programme.


There are legitimate aspects to both sides of the argument to my mind, particularly where there is direct food handling after items have been cooked or when portioning ready to eat items.


Look forward to what others feel about this topic.




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I would say not, but am interested to hear what the experts have to say.






I am interested to know what others think about the issue of if handwashing is a CCP in a catering operation or can it be included in the pre-requisite programme.


There are legitimate aspects to both sides of the argument to my mind, particularly where there is direct food handling after items have been cooked or when portioning ready to eat items.


Look forward to what others feel about this topic.





Hi tim,


If you can validate that yr handwashing procedure is so poor/ineffective that it generates a significant specific safety hazard to the consumer, you are certainly entitled to claim a CCP if you can formulate a measurable critical limit..

Or perhaps an OPRP in the case of iso22000.

Would certainly inject a KITA into the FS function as implemented factory-wide. :smile:


On the other hand, i suggest most Factory Managements  would prefer a proactively opposite approach. Job security ?

Oh boy, I think this would be a huge mistake. :shutup: 

From a HACCP point of view I can't imagine that you couldn't conclude that this hazard isn't reasonably controlled through the use of employee sanitation/GMP training (with re-training timing specified in a written food safety management policy), proper signage (appropriate sign placement in your prep area and in language that all employees can read), a documented Environmental Monitoring Program (doesn't need to be too fancy; perhaps an inexpensive ATP meter or quick indicator coliform test kits), etc.


If you make this a CCP how will you establish you critical limits and monitor that activity effectively? I'm not or never have been in the catering or restaurant business but in my world CCPs are very serious and need to follow the 7 HACCP principals to the letter (or at least darn close to it).

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I would say no CCP. How to check the efficacy of the hand washing procedure on regular basis? What is the situation on the hands 5 min later?

For me it belongs to personal hygiene and is a PRP. Regular training of the people is important. You can think about monitoring of employees by contact samples on random basis, a procedure to be agreed on with the workers council. Follow-up-Training for everybody with low efficiacy 

From my expierence this is very helpful to improve.




I would also say no to it being a CCP. Hand washing is a GMP. You would have a tough time setting limits for how effective the hand washing was. Also having hand washing as a CCP implies that it only needs to be done once in the process. I would think that hand washing should be done often, especially if your workers are handling food directly.

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