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HACCP - CCP - Identification !

Started by , Sep 24 2015 11:12 AM
4 Replies



I have doubt on the subject of CCP identification. For instance: 


- We have cold storage facility - Where in we store temperature controlled frozen products .We developed  HACCP system to control all possible food safety hazards. The same summarized below  ( Consider all GMP and best practices are implemented)


  • At receipt:  Check product  temperature and accept 
  • At Put away:  Temperature controlled material unloaded at temperature controlled dock and within 30 minutes the same put into respective storage location ( Freezer) . The dock temperature continuously monitored through online by technician and deviation any highlighted and  corrected ( if required) 
  • At storage:   Storage temperature set between -18 to -25 Degree Celsius and the same monitored continuously through online by technican.
  • Picking   Picking happens inside the freezer chamber 
  • Loading/ dispatch:  Material loaded into pre-cooled vehicle at temperature controlled cool dock. We bring one pallet at a time to load the material inside the vehicle to ensure temperature compliance. 

As per understanding, Since, we have enough control measure to control food safety hazard in our process. I feel we might not have critical control point in our process. 


Pls correct me if my understanding is wrong.. 





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Hi Baskaran,


A lttle more info. might help.


Is any particular FS standard involved ?


Type of product ? Fruit ? Shrimp ?  IQF ? Block? RTE ?


Acceptance temperature at receipt ?


Meaning of  "picking" , "freezer"  chamber ?


Product Acceptance temperature at Despatch ?


Whether a CCP or not depends on yr definition of Prerequisites,  yr hazard risk assessment, and possibly the FS standard.


Are any of the stages mentioned classified as PRPs ?

Hi Charles, 


Info furnished below: Kindly go through and help me 


- We implemented ISO 22000:2005 Standard 

- We have mix of product like : French fries, Ice cream, Butter,  poultry, Buns, and tortilla

- Acceptance temperature at receipt is -15 Degree C as a minimum ( Surface temperature) 

- "Picking" means "order consolidation" and "Freezer Chamber" means " Freezer storage" 

-  Acceptance temperature at dispatch is -15 Degree C as a minimum ( Surface temperature) 

- We have classified  " Receipt, Picking and Dispatch" as PRP. and defined  " Storage as CCP




Hi Baskaran,


Data looks reasonable to me although some auditors might not like the "surface" temperature. Depends on Procedure maybe.


I would have made all 4 stages PRPs based on iso22002-1 unlesss you have some specific risk assessment reason to consider frozen storage as a significant hazard.


Nonetheless, from memory, for other standards, the storage step is a popular CCP for S&D so maybe auditor-friendly for the supposed minimum 1 CCP . :smile:


Personally I have always rated the Likelihood of any product safety hazard resulting from the customary temperature fluctuations around -18degC as negligible. Quality hazards are something else.

1 Thank

Thanks a lot for valuable comment. 

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