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Specifications for raw (unpasteurized) vinegar

Started by , Aug 30 2015 03:31 PM
1 Reply

Esteemed colleagues,


There's very little information I have been able to dig up on unpasteurized vinegar. I'm seeking to confirm what "normal" micro specs are for a vinegar that still has the living "mother of vinegar culture.

I would expect as acetobacter reduces the alcohol from a fermentation to produce acetic acid that there would be some sort of die-off of many of the acetobacter and of the residual yeast as the reduction approaches the 5 to 6 % acidity mark, and yet it also seems probable that there would remain some of the friendly organisms that helped to ferment and reduce the fruit sugars to alcohol and acetic acid respectively. Is there anyone willing to share relevant information about what "normal" target and range might look like for raw vinegar?


Thank you for your considerations!


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Hi xylough


Normally when you ferment vinegar you are producing a product with about 10% acidity for malt vinegar.

For spirit vinegar you can, under the right conditions get to 15% acidity

At these levels the acetobacter is killed off.


The vinegar is then diluted to a a normal strength of around 5 - 7% depending on the type.

If the product still contains 'mother' it will produce filaments and sediment in a few days.


I would expect extremely low levels in the product, anything more you have a growth problem from day 1.



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