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Example Packaging Recalls

Started by , Aug 28 2015 02:04 PM
7 Replies

So after searching the almighty google i can not find a good recall on packaging products. We are a manufacturer of composite cans. Does anyone have any references to recalls due strictly to packaging?

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Our HACCP trainer mentioned a recall in a product due to listeria and they traced it back to the plastic bags used to package the final product... unfortunately I can't find anything on the web  about it.. hope it helps ... :smile:

I also am in need of such references. We make flexible plastic packaging and I'm trying to scare some of the lackadaisical attitude out of our staff. It's hard to bring it home to the whole "old people and children could be made seriously sick or even die" without a concrete reference.....




I have also been unable to find anything substantial :-(

That is exactly what i am doing Ducky. :)

A few years ago, Kellogg's had to recall a lot of cereal because the waxed paper innerliner had an off odor. 

Years ago there was the Tylenol recall supposedly due to odors coming from the pallets into product. 

In Europe, Nestlé's had a problem with a chemical from their UV ink on milk cartons migrating into the milk.

See : http://www.law360.co...l-to-face-jury 


Look for European packaging recalls for infant formula brick packs, and boxes of pasta, etc  printed with UV Inks

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If anyone is still interested, I took TDunn's advice and managed to find a cereal recall for odor and bad taste coming from a waxed paper liner. I was in the same boat as Brian and Ducky. I needed a good example of a recall due to packaging to add some oomph to my training material.


The Recall

Explanation of Recall

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I've destroyed products and raw materials for packaging issues from:


Discovering allergenic material in food contact packaging (employee had left crumbs and a wrapper in one of the boxes)

Poor UV curing leading to off flavors in finished products

Delaminating/other failures that led to spoiled products

Foreign material (shredded bits of webbing) that poses a choking hazard



Haven't had a microbial issue yet that wasn't transportation related (water damage), but here are some more examples.


Multi-state recall for Gerber due to faulty packaging causing early spoilage: https://www.fda.gov/...s/ucm492260.htm

Multi-state recall for Kraft due to faulty packaging causing a choking hazard: https://www.fda.gov/...s/ucm456883.htm

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