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Chemical Control Program

Started by , Aug 27 2015 02:32 PM
11 Replies

Does anyone have a good example of a Chemical Control program?  A third party auditor deducted points because he said we have the practice in place, but no documented program. 


"Program should outline procedures including a list of approved chemicals, purchasing of chemical, inventory records, and storage & labeling."


Any help would be appreciated.


Thank you



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This might be useful.



Attached Files

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I've made our plan generic for you.


Sample Chemical Management Plan.docx   21.32KB   581 downloads


See if this works.



2 Likes6 Thanks

Great documents provided by Marshall and Martha, did they help you Suzie?


As well as the management and control of chemicals has them all listed on an inventory like and excel.

What, type, where used, by whom, food grade or not, chance of indirect or direct contact with product etc.




Great documents provided by Marshall and Martha, did they help you Suzie?


As well as the management and control of chemicals has them all listed on an inventory like and excel.

What, type, where used, by whom, food grade or not, chance of indirect or direct contact with product etc.






They were extremely helpful, and I made a point of thanking them personally.  This website has been a lifesaver.  There have been times I wanted to throw in the towel because I didn't feel like people cared at all about food safety.  It is such a daunting task to implement SQF!!!  However, with the help of my fellow members of this site, I have been able to put together a solid foundation and I'm seeing changes (baby steps).  Hopefully, I have been able to help others and pay it forward.  Thank you for putting together such a strong site and group of fellow believers!






They were extremely helpful, and I made a point of thanking them personally.  This website has been a lifesaver.  There have been times I wanted to throw in the towel because I didn't feel like people cared at all about food safety.  It is such a daunting task to implement SQF!!!  However, with the help of my fellow members of this site, I have been able to put together a solid foundation and I'm seeing changes (baby steps).  Hopefully, I have been able to help others and pay it forward.  Thank you for putting together such a strong site and group of fellow believers!




A nice way to end the day Suzie. :smile:




hi all,

any information on the storage of flammable and non-flammable chemicals in the same storage container as long as the container is labeled as flammable? are different storage containers required for each type of chemical aside from food grade/ non food grade?

Yes, for WHIMS you must store each chemical in a separate labelled container. You will have trouble with your health and safety branch of inspection

I’m sorry I should have been a little more clear. Talking about Chemical Storage Cabinets. Our chemicals are in their own respective containers, but as to the overall storage cabinets, can the chemicals inside be different or do we need to get separate cabinets for each type of chemical?

Lol, i got you now!  They can theoretically be stored together.........HOWEVER some chemicals will create a toxic cloud if they both spill---those should be stored completely separate


I had chlorine and an acid wash for sanitation.........if even 2 little drops were mixed, it was so toxic it would kill someone. Soooooooooo, the acid wash was in it's own very locked very hidden location. The sanitation folks never even used them on the same night. 


So word to wise, just double check the storage instructions..........the label should tell you if it cannot be stored with chemical X for example



We stock separately the food grade and non-food grade chemicals. Adequate lighting is place and exhaust fan must run 24/7 to avoid accumulation of dust and fumes. Only authorized persons are allowed to access the stock room.




Thanks for the info!

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