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Difference between correction and corrective action

Started by , Jul 07 2015 03:05 PM
5 Replies

dear all,

what is the difference between correction and corrective action. 

thanks and regards



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Correction is like first-aid, its the instant action that is taken to correct the nonconformity or to reduce the impact nonconformity that has occurred. Corrective actions are steps that are taken to remove the causes of an existing nonconformity or undesirable situation.

In a lays man language correction is the immediate action one takes when a problem or non-conformity is detected;e.g. if a record is found not to have been updated, the correction is to update. Corrective action is what will ensure that the same is not detected again / in future, going by the same, if a record is found not to have been updated, the corrective action is (what made the record not to be updated as required?), is it lack of awareness by the person who is supposed to update, then corrective action is provide training; is it that no one verifies that the record is completed, change records procedures and include a secondary step of verification. in other words corrective action addresses the root cause while correction is the immediate action taken to a detected problem or nonconformity.

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Some people will use Corrective Action and Preventative Action.

Corrective Action = what you do to fix or correct the current problem.

Preventative Action = what you do to prevent the problem from happening again.


Preventative action indicates how you will change and improve your system and procedures.

Corrective action is always what you do to fix something that's not working . Always the answer to a non conformance.


Correction can be simply adjusting or tweaking your system to make better. Not necessarily stemming from a non  conformance.



FWIW, According to the SQF -


Correction  Action to eliminate a detected non-conformity. Shall have the same meaning as “corrected.”


Corrective Action       Action to eliminate the cause of a detected non-conformity or other undesirable situation.
Corrective action shall include:
a)    Determine / document any immediate action required / taken
i.      Determine the cause of the problem
ii.     Evaluate action needed on the identified cause
iii.    Determine if the problem exists elsewhere in the system and implement actions needed
b)     Document the results of the action taken
i.      Review/verify and document effectiveness of action taken with objective evidence.


All very subtle.


Correction looks to be taken from a dictionary.

Codex has - Corrective action: Any action to be taken when the results of monitoring at the CCP indicate a loss of control. I like it :smile:

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