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What evidence to show proof of review of HACCP system?

Started by , Jun 21 2015 01:48 PM
6 Replies

dear all,

how to keep a proof to show the review of haccp system.


thanks and regards

rani s r

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Hello Rani s r,


I would advise that you have Minutes or dated notes of the review meetings held by the HACCP team. Old copies of updated or superseded plans etc can also be kept in a secure controlled file as well. These can be electronic scanned copies or original paper ones.


Hope this helps. 


dear all,

how to keep a proof to show the review of haccp system.


thanks and regards

rani s r

Hi Rani,


Of course it depends on the standards you work to, as various audits may have specific requirements regarding HACCP review. The general procedure is:

  • Gather the HACCP team
  • Review the flow charts for each process flow to brainstorm any changes in suppliers, products, ingredients, equipment, process aids, facility interuptions e.g., remodeling, construction, etc., to confirm that there is or is not ant change and update accordingly.
  • Perform a walking inspection of the actual process flows in the facility to further confirm and update any changes that were not caught in the step above. Even if there is no change, you still need to place a page in your HACCP plan(s) to document your review and the fact that you found no changes and therefore no update was required. Have the HACCP team and team leader sign off and date the review
  • If your HACCP team does in fact discover any changes, then you perform hazard risk analysis on each of the discovered elements so that you may determine any new CCP, other Contriol point, establish the monitoring, verification, validation and records for the new or changed items.
  • Document each modification to the HACCP plan in its proper place with the date and authorization signature.
  • Include your HACCP team's decision making processes and any required validation evidence.



1 Thank

As above, one of the key things is the process flow signed by the HACCP team. Advice from a previous BRC auditor was that it can be useful to have the site plan as well as the diagram of the process flow as well to check there is nothing being omitted.

dear all,

how to keep a proof to show the review of haccp system.


thanks and regards

rani s r


As indicated by previous posts, it depends on what you mean by "review".


i suspect you either mean "annual review " which is often a mainly documentation exercise or possibly "verification of the haccp system" which is rather different, albeit haccp 101.


Can you supply a little more context ?

Team meeting minutes and notes along with specific actions, responsibilities, target completion dates.


Re-verification of the HACCP flow charts would be a nice output.



I keep meeting minutes in which HAACP is reviewed briefly monthly ( as in I ask has anything changes and people tell me whether they have or not.


If there have been changes this triggers a full HACCP review which means starting at the flow diagram and working through all the documentation to make sure everything recorded is still accurate.This process is minuted, and all notes generated and kept in a folder.


All the Flow diagrams are challenged at least annually which involves all member of the HACCP team waling the lines flow diagram in hand and noting anything they see missing or different.


It's a palaver but means you're uber-covered for HACCP review.It also keep HACCP to the forefront of people's minds.

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