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Can anybody share an FSSC Internal Audit Checklist?

Started by , May 27 2015 10:15 AM
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can any one please send me list for FSSC internal Audit check list ?




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can any one please send me list for FSSC internal Audit check list ?





Hi Ahmed,


The attached document is a detailed checklist for iso 220000 rather than FSSC 22000. It may nonetheless be useful to you as FSSC 22000 derives directly from 1so 22000 with the caveat that FSSC has some additional PRP that were originally communicated through the PAS 220 document (now called ISO/TS 22002-1) which I have outlined below. I wish I had the checklist for all of FSSC 22000,but I have shared with you what I have.

I must give proper attribution for the checklist to Gail Ramplen who authored it.



Requirements of ISO/TS 22002-1 (PAS 220)

Prerequisite programs in ISO/TS 22002-1 include requirements for:

  1. Construction and layout of building
  2. Layout of premises and workspace
  3. Utilities - air, water, energy
  4. Waste disposal
  5. Equipment suitability, cleaning and maintenance
  6. Management of purchased material
  7. Measures for prevention of cross contamination
  8. Cleaning and sanitizing
  9. Pest control
  10. Personnel hygiene and employee facilities
  11. Rework
  12. Product recall procedures
  13. Warehousing
  14. Product information
  15. Food defense, biovigilance and bioterrorism


1 Like6 Thanks



My bad! I failed to attach the document.



Note added by Charles.C, 101015

1B2-1 is checklist for iso22002-1

1B2     is checklist for iso22000 (ie not 22002 as stated below)


1B2-1 ISO 22002-1 checklist Blank Form 1Oct 2014.docx   55.11KB   3888 downloads


1B2 ISO 22002 Checklist Blank Form 1Oct 2014.docx   81.58KB   3341 downloads

3 Likes44 Thanks



My brain is not fully engaged this morning. One of the two documents I posted for you does in fact include a check list for the PRP. It is the larger of the two documents (81.58 KB)

2 Thanks

Thanks Very Much Xylough For your Help ,

Wish You all the Best .





My brain is not fully engaged this morning. One of the two documents I posted for you does in fact include a check list for the PRP. It is the larger of the two documents (81.58 KB)


Hi xylough,


Actually, I think, the first one contains a checklist for Standard ISO22002-1 which is a list/details of PRPs.

The second one contains a checklist for Standard ISO22000 but the upload (and main document title) is incorrectly given as for "ISO 22002"


Both look like excellent checklists for the respective Standards. Many thanks.

(first page of 2nd one was badly garbled when my Word 2003 converted it but i daresay the correct Word program (2007+) gives a  perfect output).

2 Thanks

Many thanks Xylough for sharing your very helpful documents.

1 Thank

Thank you very much !!

Great help Xylough! Many thanks!  :smile: 

Dear Xylough


Thanks For the sharing, great help for us :smile:

Great  :happydance:

thank you 



Does anyone have an updated  FSSC (version 4) checklist that they would like to share with the group?


Kind regards.


Hi all


Just sharing my complete FSSC vs4 checklist for whoever will find it useful.  I created it by merging and editing a few checklists I found on here and elsewhere.


Kind regards.



Attached Files

2 Likes34 Thanks

Juliette, This form is excellent. I can do a lot with it. Thanks a lot. Please send me an email at xxx com and I would like to get a bit more information from you. Thanks and best regards, Maruf  

Hi Juliette,


Thks for the attachment.


IMO it’s definitely not easy to produce accurate checklists and it typically involves some interpretation.  I think yours is a good try and better than some of the others I have seen but there remain some differences to the original of varying significance, eg grammatical, omission.


For example, from a brief look at iso22002-1 –


Have areas of potential microbiological cross-contamination (airborne or from traffic patterns) been identified, and has a segregation plan been implemented?


Is there a separation of raw from finished or ready to eat products


Is rework containing allergens only limited to products which contain the same allergens by design?


Is rework containing allergens only limited to products which contain the same allergens through a process which is demonstrated to remove or destroy the allergenic material?


the “Notes” are ignored.



Just for contrast, another one also posted here has  “reversed” errors, eg –


10.2        Microbiological requirements Cross-Contamination

(a)  [is  there a] Separation of raw materials and from finished or ready-to-eat (RTE) products?


A third checklist seems to omit the “Microbiological Cross- Contamination” section all together !.



Some of the above might be classified as nit-picking but IMO, before usage, Checklists need to be checked. :smile:

1 Like1 Thank

Thanks for the checklist



is there an Audit template specifically for the additional requirements for V3 . ?


i have recently received an Minor for not having these audit ?

Dear xylough


Thanks for share. it help  :happydance: , but as i know that. for FSSC 22000, there are new Version (version 4) and it will be valid 2018.

do you have ?




Faradilla Fatta

Dear xylough


Thanks for share. it help  :happydance: , but as i know that. for FSSC 22000, there are new Version (version 4) and it will be valid 2018.

do you have ?




Faradilla Fatta



Post 14 ?

Just my updated FSSC version 4.1 Checklist.  Hope it can be of help to someone. 


As Charles C. has mentioned earlier in this thread, always use checklists with care. 
Kind regards.

Attached Files

41 Thanks

Just my updated FSSC version 4.1 Checklist.  Hope it can be of help to someone. 


As Charles C. has mentioned earlier in this thread, always use checklists with care. 
Kind regards.


Just my updated FSSC version 4.1 Checklist.  Hope it can be of help to someone. 


As Charles C. has mentioned earlier in this thread, always use checklists with care. 
Kind regards.


Just my updated FSSC version 4.1 Checklist.  Hope it can be of help to someone. 


As Charles C. has mentioned earlier in this thread, always use checklists with care. 
Kind regards.

Thank you.  This is useful.

2 Thanks

Hi all


Just sharing my complete FSSC vs4 checklist for whoever will find it useful.  I created it by merging and editing a few checklists I found on here and elsewhere.


Kind regards.

Perfectly crafted..

Thanks Juliette


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