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Risk analysis (Serious, Possibility)

Started by , May 18 2015 05:10 PM
2 Replies



How you evaluate a risk analysis (Serious, Possibility).


* it would be interesting for me - because in the literature, training, etc. - each showing different variations.

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Without knowing more about your requirements (I am assuming food safety) then I would suggest a Google search for food safety risk assessment matrix.

This should get you off the ground.

Pick one that fits with your requirements and use it like a template to build your own.

There is no set in concrete rule about the exact way to do this (you can use HACCP guidelines to help also)


Hi Dana,




You should have a look at CODEX Recommended International Code of Practice General Principles of Food Hygiene CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev. 4-2003 - Annex Page 24 Onwards - GUIDELINES FOR THE APPLICATION OF THE HACCP SYSTEM:

List all potential hazards associated with each step, conduct a hazard analysis, and consider any measures to control identified hazards
The HACCP team should list all of the hazards that may be reasonably expected to occur at each step according to the scope from primary production, processing, manufacture, and distribution until the point of consumption.
The HACCP team (see “assemble HACCP team”) should next conduct a hazard analysis to identify for the HACCP plan, which hazards are of such a nature that their elimination or reduction to acceptable levels is essential to the production of a safe food.
In conducting the hazard analysis, wherever possible the following should be included:
• the likely occurrence of hazards and severity of their adverse health effects;
• the qualitative and/or quantitative evaluation of the presence of hazards;
• survival or multiplication of micro-organisms of concern;
• production or persistence in foods of toxins, chemicals or physical agents; and,
• conditions leading to the above.
Consideration should be given to what control measures, if any exist, can be applied to each hazard.

In assessing hazards it is common to use a matrix.

A 1 - 3 scoring system to determine significant hazards is common such as:
Assess the likelihood of the hazard occuring -
1 for Highly Unlikely
2 for Possible
3 for Likely
Assess the severity of the hazard -
1 for Not Severe
2 for Could possibly cause illness
3 for Severe (Could be fatal)


Food Safety Risk Assessment Grid 3 x 3.pdf   171.52KB   136 downloads

Or a 1 - 5 scoring system is sometimes used to determine significant hazards:
Assess the likelihood of the hazard occuring -
1 Very Unlikely (No history of occurence)
2 Slight (Rare)
3 Feasible (Possible but not likely)
4 Likely (Has occured before)
5 Very Likely (Happens regularly)
Assess the severity of the hazard -
1 No Injury (No lost time)
2 Injury (Up to 7 days recovery)
3 Serious Injury (7 days recovery)
4 Major Injury
5 Fatality


Food Safety Risk Assessment Grid 5 x 5.pdf   177.54KB   136 downloads

Both methods will give you a risk rating showing your significant hazards. As per CODEX guidelines you then determine your critical control points.

Determine Critical Control Points
There may be more than one CCP at which control is applied to address the same hazard. The determination of a CCP in the HACCP system can be facilitated by the application of a decision tree (e.g., Diagram 2), which indicates a logic reasoning approach.


CODEX DECISION TREE.jpg   145.25KB   0 downloads





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