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Sanitation Equipment Colour Standards

Started by , May 18 2015 03:54 AM
2 Replies

Dear All,


Please help me with a Management Colouring for the equipment sanitation of  Dairy Manufacturing and Standard Lockers. I need it for implementation purposes.


Thanks a lot!


Andi Prawira

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Dear Andi


I managed colouring by their zones. How many zones you have in your plant?


White for food contact

Red for processing line environment

Yellow for packing area

Green/Black for outside including stores.


I dont think there were standard lockers for dairy. I prefer to have slope top hence you could see it when its dirty or no one can store their belongings on the top of the locker.


Hope it helps

1 Thank


You can choose whatever colours you want as long as you segregate by zone.

One dairy company uses:

Red: floor

Blue: food contact

Yellow: packing

Black: outside


While another uses:

Red: floor, walls, ceiling

Blue: food contact

Yellow: inside cha but not food contact i.e. table or equipment surfaces that aren't food contact

 Black outside

Green: allergens


Agree with sloping tops - its often a customer requirement otherwise have in place an inspection plan.

1 Thank

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