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Comprehensive Risk Evaluation

Started by , May 02 2015 02:50 PM
1 Reply

Comprehensive Risk Evaluation
Presented by:

Steve Gruler, President & CEO, Global Quality Consultants Inc.


Taking place:
Friday, May 08, 2015 (03:00 PM - 04:00 PM UK Time).  This is a 10 a.m. EDT Start.


This session reviews the impact of business risk evaluation on brand risk mitigation. Risk mitigation is not possible if a comprehensive understanding of the companies risk is not recognized. We will examine the abundant naivety within the industry. We will compare and contrast current practices supporting the need of a comprehensive evaluation. Discussion of recent devastating indents will be evaluated providing an insight on how the comprehensive evaluation could have prevented these brand disasters. 
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Below are some of the questions captured from today's webinar.

I will ask Steve to follow-up when he gets a moment.



I'm wondering if there's any good ideas out there which would increase prevention based aspects in inspection. To me it makes complete sense on a business basis to have prevention based control, but how do we implement that on the regulatory/inspection side? I'm an inspector, and completely believe in prevention over reaction, but it seems the nature of inspection (as indicated in the presentation) is generally reactive in nature. (I re-posted this as I didn't check off Question)


Peeriya Mahuttanapradit

How do you manage risk with commodity items such as spices where they might be more than 100 suppliers in the chain?


Theresa Arnand

Audit certificate is not enough - request the complete audit - see where there weaknesses are and what C/A's they take.



Where do you typically start when on-site as a risk management consultant?



Are there established tools that companies can utilitize to help develop a comprehensive questionnaires instead of developing the tools in house. Of course the tools would need to be changed for each business and their brand products



We do request for audit certificates and we ask our suppliers to complete a supplier questionnaire. Questions in this questionnaire helps us analyse the risks of such a supplier. Customer complaints is also an important element that can be used to evaluate a supplier.



Totally agrre Steve, it is time for the lean methologies and six sigma philososy enter the food industry management along with high qualified food managers


Arun Masand

And do you agree with risk classification?


David Levy

For Monte Carlo Simulation please look athttp://www.palisade...._simulation.asp


Arun Masand

What are your thoughts on using questionnaires as a risk assessment tool?



Here something about Montecarlo Technique https://www.riskamp.... Simulation.pdf





Arun Masand

What are your thoughts on using questionnaires as a risk assessment tool?


Krastina Plachkova

I think there needs to be balance between Risk Assement and Inspection becuase you could have the most comprehensive Risk Assessment tools but if you do not check if they are actually working, then it does not make sense...due dellige nce is important



Can you describe little about application of risk assessment tools such as Monte Carlo Simulation technique?



With globalization, companies tend to source for their ingredients from all over the globe. Apart from audit certificate what is the most effective way to identify and manage the risk of a potential supplier?

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