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Looking for a previously-posted training matrix...

Started by , Mar 13 2015 02:39 PM
5 Replies

I have been searching all morning and I cannot find a training matrix that I once saw somewhere on this forum!  It was a really nice excel spread sheet with the list of employees down the left hand side and all of the training topics along the top (I remember that they were at a 45 degree angle, if that helps).  It also had sub-sections under each employee that listed whether or not the training was required and then whether or not it had been completed.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?  Thanks!

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You could probably adapt this.



Attached Files

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Here's one I developed during my last role, I've just removed the names and company logo  :smile:

Attached Files

2 Likes7 Thanks

Thanks for sharing Marshall and WyldIce.


Are these useful to you AJ1795?

Thanks, everyone!  These are very close to what I was searching for. 

hello everyone! 


I found this post very usefull, especially WyldIce matrix. 


We are converters of flexible packaging. We printing, laminating and slittering films of Polypropylene, Polyester etc. We have PRPs and no CCPs. In your opinion, which should be the basic topics of our annual training, for the existing staff, in order to have effectiveness ?


In annual base the Quality Manager (that's my position) evaluate personnel training level with multiple choice questionnaires. 


Also, each employee has a personal training card, where reported the skills and qualifikations and each traing that the employee attenting. Ιn the case of a group training, Quality Manager report the names in a training card where each employee should sign. What do you think should a traing card (personal or group) includes ?


Thank you in advance for your help 



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