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In Case You Missed This - Hope for Treating Food Allergies

Started by , Feb 23 2015 09:04 PM
3 Replies

This was on the CBS Morning News.  I've known about this therapy for some time, but did not know how successful the trials had been.  Maybe in the far future, food allergies will not be as big of a problem as they are now.





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Aw, how totally terrifying.   I'm so glad I don't have off spring to worry about!


Browsing around for info about OIT treatment (that's crazy, dead E coli, huh? ) brought me to this horrifying and also hopeful story - http://stanmed.stanf...can-eat-it.html

Aw, how totally terrifying.   I'm so glad I don't have off spring to worry about!


Browsing around for info about OIT treatment (that's crazy, dead E coli, huh? ) brought me to this horrifying and also hopeful story - http://stanmed.stanf...can-eat-it.html

The threat of anaphylaxis is terrifying.  I'm allergic to mice (from working with them in labs), but I have not been around them much for a long time.  I still am extremely cautious around a live one, even when it is trapped, because I know how fast those suckers can whip around and bite.


Your story is excellent, because it has a lot of good information about allergies in it.  It's about the same group as the video.


And about that dead E.coli...


It's probably not possible for E. coli, because we have beneficial strains of that already in our gut, but they're working on a Salmonella vaccine.




It worked for polio, maybe foodborne illness too.  It takes time and funding.



And...hope for preventing peanut allergies.  It's a fast changing field.





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