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YES! Auto-correct WIN!

Started by , Feb 19 2015 09:25 PM
11 Replies

Received a request for information from a customer this afternoon that I think may have been corrupted by auto-correct; 


"Do you add cum in any of the products that you supply to us?"


My reply was "Though we do not address this point directly in our employee hygiene rules, we actively discourage staff members from either naturally or artificially attempting to inseminate any of our products. However I have passed your suggestion on to our product development department for future consideration".


The joke's on them. I AM the product development department. DHL'ed the samples this evening for organoleptic testing, complete with allergy advice of "Contains products of nuts". 

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LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :roflmao:  :giggle:  :rofl2:  :lol2:  :w00t:  :thumbup:


I'm serious, this guy [Shea Quay] is great!


I'm guessing they meant cumin as in the spice (because of the association with peanut allergies) but for it to auto correct that into two separate words doesn't that mean that they've used those two separate words at some point in order for it to autocorrect via memory???

OMG hilarious!!

Bet they don't follow up on this one!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

1 Thank

Oh yes he did..........

I have no words just:


:roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:      




(And on a wholly unrelated note apparently there is a maximum amount of emoticons that you can put on a post and that maximum is 10.  I had originally had them go all the way across but removed them one by one.)

Awesome start to a Friday! LOL!

That made my day lol



:roflmao:  :spoton:

Thank you, thank you thank you....I really needed that laugh.   :rofl2:


All hail Shea  worship.gif

Lol! Aside from the OP being hilarious this topic is emoticon heaven.


How tf does one get 4 emoticons to "hail" all at the same time?! Seriously I have checked the available library and that is not possible.


Me thinks Snookie has some kind of elevated forum powers.

Lol! Aside from the OP being hilarious this topic is emoticon heaven.


How tf does one get 4 emoticons to "hail" all at the same time?! Seriously I have checked the available library and that is not possible.


Me thinks Snookie has some kind of elevated forum powers.


Don't tell on me but I got it somewhere else.  ssshhhhhh.  

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