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What will be the biggest food safety challenge this year?

Started by , Jan 15 2015 12:03 PM
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44 Replies

Unsafe food is linked to the deaths of an estimated 2 million people annually and new threats to food safety are constantly emerging. Continual improvement in the food supply chain is therefore mandatory.  So what do you think will be our biggest challenge this year?

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I said food fraud and authenticity.


There are a lot of new emerging standards on the subject, and I think that as the dust settles there will be a lot of "tweaking" happening. Vulnerability, authenticity... they are both really  excellent subjects to ensure products are safe, but the implementation of these programs seems a bit unrealistic or had to wrangle. As people implement programs of authenticity and against fraud, where maybe programs did not exist before, or maybe were not so robust, there will be a lot of effort going into understanding the depth of these new fundamentals and policies. 

I said food fraud and authenticity.


There are a lot of new emerging standards on the subject, and I think that as the dust settles there will be a lot of "tweaking" happening. Vulnerability, authenticity... they are both really  excellent subjects to ensure products are safe, but the implementation of these programs seems a bit unrealistic or had to wrangle. As people implement programs of authenticity and against fraud, where maybe programs did not exist before, or maybe were not so robust, there will be a lot of effort going into understanding the depth of these new fundamentals and policies. 



I agree wholeheartedly


I worry about the capabilities of the people writing these TACCP / VACCP programmes. I just see it as an opportunity for "training" from consultants, or getting a consultant to look at your products and write your programme (at a cost of course); but then, do they really know better?


Then we come to those that will be auditing these plans. The calibre of some auditors when it comes to reading a HACCP is sometimes called into question! How the hell will they get their heads around some of the other aspects of the process. (I can't wait to explain some of the cattle diseases and how it could impact on our product to an auditor!)


I'm lucky in that I've done my TACCP / VACCP.  But then I have only 2 ingredients, one of them being milk. I was luck that in a past life I did Farm Assurance auditing so I could talk with confidence about some of the potential dangers on the farm. But, it not easy, and I've probably forgotten something. In fact, I haven't issued my document yet, as I seem to think of something every few days that may impact, either as a threat or a vulnerability on my process.  not only have I looked at past incidents, but I have envisaged scenarios that could potentially happen. It will always be a living document.


I've already seen a question on here regarding TACCP. This is one document that I'm not going to share with you. I think it's important that Technical / Quality managers spend some time on this, so that they do understand where their ingredients are coming from. Doesn't mean I won't give somebody some help though.


Caz x

I do agree that bigger companies are beginning to stress the importance of TACCP / VACCP programs down the pipeline. We need to do our due diligence to ensure that we are getting our raw material from a realizable/food safe not horse meat source. This is a difficult task when you have over 300 ingredients and they expect a Codex like version to show we mitigate risks.


However, I voted for Food Defense and Security at least for here in the states because of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). There seems to be a lot of stress on what is being imported with proper labeling and controls in place to ensure a food safe product. But AGAIN, no one knows until it is actually published.

For newer people, I am mostly joking and I did vote Food Defense and Security, but really when it comes to the biggest challenge of 2015? Staying sober/sane/out of jail.


OH FOOD SAFETY Challenge!! That's very different.  


Never mind!

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Lmao! I'm in the cell next door!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

... but really when it comes to the biggest challenge of 2015? Staying sober/sane/out of jail.




Lmao! I'm in the cell next door!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Right there with you. 

I agree with it_rains_inside and Caz on food fraud and authenticity.


With globalization of food supply and the often very long and complicated chains it is possible (as was proved with horsemeat and melamine scandals) that criminals can do their deeds.  Where money is involved there will always be those who will try to make a quick buck.  This is partly the subject of today's webinar.

So what do you think will be our biggest challenge this year?



(1) Making GFSI Food Standards (freely) intelligible to users other than Consultants, Instructors and Practitioners.


(2) Minimize the use of unlisted acronyms.


Rgds / Charles.C


PS - I voted for Communication

I put food defense and security mainly because of the rise of more, and larger, terrorist groups and activities it won't be too long before they figure out that poisoning an entire food supply will kill a lot more than guns and bombs.  Hopefully I'm wrong.

For newer people, I am mostly joking and I did vote Food Defense and Security, but really when it comes to the biggest challenge of 2015? Staying sober/sane/out of jail.


OH FOOD SAFETY Challenge!! That's very different.  


Never mind!



Lmao! I'm in the cell next door!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


If I'm not in a nearby cell I may not bail you guys out but I promise to visit.


Maybe this is why the Western NY block party is a really bad idea.

But then again if we have the Western NY block party, we all really would be in cells next to each other!!  :giggle:

I put food defense and security mainly because of the rise of more, and larger, terrorist groups and activities it won't be too long before they figure out that poisoning an entire food supply will kill a lot more than guns and bombs.  Hopefully I'm wrong.


I hope you are wrong too. Scary world we live in. 


(2) Minimize the use of unlisted acronyms.


Rgds / Charles.C



If we're in WNY, will I get to do the touristy things like Empire State, Macy's & Katz's Deli?


Caz x

That would be New York City in the South East portion of the state.  We are up near Buffalo and Rochester NY which is only around 6 hours away by car...


That being said we probably shouldn't hijack Simon's thread  :hypocrite:

I am going to be difficult, not that is my intention, but I see all three very tied together.  Globalization, verifying to who knows how many rules and standards (governmental, customer, GFSI and the list goes on), fraud, and security make it all very difficult.   And its not like food is an option and we can skip eating for a week.  Heck my kids are at the point where I think it would be easier to move into the grocery story and write checks.  I fill the fridge, they open it and pour into their mouths afterwards wondering where all the groceries went.   


We need to keep it safe, wholesome in sane ways and not be so terrified of the bogey men that we go to extreme measures to "supposedly" keep the food safe but now it costs so damn much that only the 1% get enjoy it.  Healthy food such as fresh fruits and vegetables should not be luxuries.


(stepping off soapbox)

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I put food defense and security mainly because of the rise of more, and larger, terrorist groups and activities it won't be too long before they figure out that poisoning an entire food supply will kill a lot more than guns and bombs.  Hopefully I'm wrong.

You're starting to sound like the NEWS Mr. I.


How to get a bomb passed airport security coming up next at your 10 o'clock local news!!!


How to get passed security at the White House stay tuned after this commercial break!!!


It's just bonkers what they let the news get away with. Don't they see they're doing more harm than good?



I agree with Snookie!

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I am going to be difficult, not that is my intention, but I see all three very tied together.  Globalization, verifying to who knows how many rules and standards (governmental, customer, GFSI and the list goes on), fraud, and security make it all very difficult.   And its not like food is an option and we can skip eating for a week.  Heck my kids are at the point where I think it would be easier to move into the grocery story and write checks.  I fill the fridge, they open it and pour into their mouths afterwards wondering where all the groceries went.   


We need to keep it safe, wholesome in sane ways and not be so terrified of the bogey men that we go to extreme measures to "supposedly" keep the food safe but now it costs do damn much that only the 1% get enjoy it.  Healthy food such as fresh fruits and vegetables should not be luxuries.


(stepping off soapbox)

:clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap: 


(I can't seem to post pics, so that's the best I can do!) 

1 Thank

I am going to be difficult, not that is my intention, but I see all three very tied together.  Globalization, verifying to who knows how many rules and standards (governmental, customer, GFSI and the list goes on), fraud, and security make it all very difficult.   And its not like food is an option and we can skip eating for a week.  Heck my kids are at the point where I think it would be easier to move into the grocery story and write checks.  I fill the fridge, they open it and pour into their mouths afterwards wondering where all the groceries went.   


We need to keep it safe, wholesome in sane ways and not be so terrified of the bogey men that we go to extreme measures to "supposedly" keep the food safe but now it costs do damn much that only the 1% get enjoy it.  Healthy food such as fresh fruits and vegetables should not be luxuries.


(stepping off soapbox)

Very well said, Snookie.  Your statements about how important it is for everyone to be able to have and afford good, safe food are outstanding.  Bravo!  I'll add a clap line also.  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:


I voted for the globalization because it is very easy for raw materials or ingredients to pass through so many hands that you have no idea how safe they are.  Getting foreign suppliers to divulge information sometimes is an exercise in diplomacy, you have to word your requests so you don't offend your supplier.



MR I's observations on the threat posed by food terrorism are chilling and sobering.  Hope Al Qaeda is not reading this forum.  And RG3, points well taken on the news media giving ideas to terrorists.


Life was a lot different in the 1950s when I grew up.  It's a whole new world out there.



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MR I's observations on the threat posed by food terrorism are chilling and sobering.  Hope Al Qaeda is not reading this forum.  And RG3, points well taken on the news media giving ideas to terrorists.


This is no new threat, this is a battle tactic since the beginning of time.  So we all just need to be careful.

This is no new threat, this is a battle tactic since the beginning of time.  So we all just need to be careful.

Yes, people poisoned wells way back in Blblical times.  And crops were normally burned during warfare.  That is still going on to this day. 


Human nature has not changed in thousands of years...


Scary thoughts, all of them.  We need to be vigilant.



Yes, people poisoned wells way back in Blblical times.  And crops were normally burned during warfare.  That is still going on to this day. 


Human nature has not changed in thousands of years...


Scary thoughts, all of them.  We need to be vigilant.





"What has been will be again, what has been done will done again; there is nothing new under the sun.  Ecclesiastes 1:9 NIV


"Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. "  Sir Winston Churchill


:clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap: 


(I can't seem to post pics, so that's the best I can do!) 


Let me help you out - I think we can all agree Snookie's Soapbox deserves a

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Actually I had found one with DeNiro clapping in Taxi Driver with the army jacket and mohawk.  But Orson Wells will do nicely! Thanks, MM

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