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Pengball Game

Started by , Jan 22 2004 08:23 AM
7 Replies
A nice game that provides stress relief for everyone but the penguin:
Hit him as far as you can - my record 277.5.

Play Pengball

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317.2 m :P
Unfortunately the links broken I don't know if it's temporary or god forbid permanent. I think maybe the site has been receiving too many hits so they have pulled the plug. The game has been doing the rounds via email.

Sorry Mike.

Good news I found another location for the game:

Smack the penguin #1

I got 586.4 - 2nd go!


Only managed 502m.

However had great fun trying to create the perfect 'skim'

No sure the penguin 'likes' the way the distance marker is 'inserted'
593.5m on #1 game - been up allnight playin it.
490.2 on first go!!!!
I'm onto something here!! :P
Thanks for getting it up and running!!

The weekly QA report is going to be a little late today............................

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