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Identify and confirm the scope of the process

Started by , Jan 10 2015 03:07 AM
3 Replies



I am a newbie here. I've been learning a lot from this forum more than the seminar i took for HACCP.


However, i need help in one requirements for my HACCP.


What does Identify and confirm the scope of the process mean?


If my first process in my process flow chart is the procurement of raw materials. Can anybody give an example of scope for this process?


I'm thought i was done making our HACCP Manual until I got a non-compliance because i have failed to indicate the scope for each process in the process flow.

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Dear ddgo,


Welcome to the Forum ! :welcome:


Yr query is slightly confusing since, IMEX, in a haccp context, “scope” typically refers to the scope of the haccp plan, albeit with respect to the “process” activities involved.


I have answered below assuming the above interpretation of "scope", if otherwise some clarification may be necessary, eg details of yr product / process / FS standard reference.


You may find this older post / surrounding thread helpful –




Here are a  few more examples as illustrative interpretations –


(A) The scope of the HACCP plan should be identified. The scope should describe which segment of the food chain is involved and the general classes of hazards to be addressed (e.g. Does it cover all classes of hazards or only selected classes?).


(ex Codex as per the document sc1 attached in above  linked post)

(B) A HACCP study is carried out in four stages: defining the scope of the study, implementing the study and maintaining the system. It is important to establish the scope of the study, i.e. the area to be addressed by the HACCP plan - from the farm supplier of raw materials through to the retail outlet or consumer. It is also paramount that management are fully supportive of the implementation of HACCP, especially where investing money is concerned.


This document is designed to be used as an aid for those responsible for implementing and maintaining a HACCP system. It’s scope might cover all parts of the production/growing stage of the commodity, any subsequent handling, processing or packaging of the product, as well as distribution, catering, retail and consumer handling. A flow diagram of the logical sequence for implementing HACCP is included in Appendix II


.HACCP - From the farm to the fork.pdf   68.53KB   86 downloads

© 5.1.2     Scope of the HACCP system


The food business operator shall define the extent (the scope) of the HACCP system.


The scope shall comprise that part of the food chain and those activities of the food business for which

the food operator is responsible and can be held liable:


(1) The part of the food chain for which the food business operator is responsible begins where the responsibility of the suppliers of raw materials and ingredients ends; the responsibility of the food business operator ends where another food business in the food chain takes over the responsibility. The scope shall therefore conform with purchase and sales contracts; 


(2) All locations and process lines where food is manufactured and/or stored by the food business shall be properly indicated and be available for assessment;


(3) All products which are supplied to the market by the food business, whether processed or handled, shall be properly specified;


(4) All subcontracted activities (outsourced services, like packaging, storage, transport) shall be properly dealt with.


HACCP requirements for a FS based system.pdf   402.41KB   79 downloads


If by Procurement you meant the Purchasing  Function, many (most) haccp plans do not explicitly  include this activity in the process flow chart /  HACCP System although it is possible (eg see example [C(1)] above).


NCs are often related to a lack of specifying/detailing range(s) of the input / manufacturing / etc process (or processes) for which yr haccp plan covers,  eg product type / beginnings and endings of the processes involved. (eg see Example [B] above). The specifics will depend on yr actual process chain as presented in the haccp flow chart / hazard analysis etc.


Or, additionally, it might relate to a lack of specifying what kind of hazards (eg BCP[A]) you are analyzing the process(es) for.


Please revert if above unclear. Deeper analysis will probably be assisted by some details of yr product / process / FS Standard.


Rgds / Charles.C

1 Thank

Dear Charles,


I was actually quite confused myself when I received the summary findings of the audited report. But the link you have provided above helped me understand what the auditor meant. 


Many thanks.

If you have one HACCP plan that covers your entire operation, then your plan should state that scope.


You can have more than one HACCP plan if you have two processes (operation sequences) that are significantly different.  For example, the scope of HACCP plan A covers the butchering plant, and HAACP plan B covers the cooking plant.  This would be something that a large corporation might do if they had different plants at different locations, or different plants at the same location.

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