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References for acceptable microbial limits in food contact area

Started by , Dec 04 2014 08:04 PM
4 Replies



Can anyone tell me, where I can find references for the acceptable microbial limits in food contact area?

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There is several factors to determine the limits from microorganisms in foods, In Brazyl they have a specific legislation about the tolerance limites from contamination of manufactoring food (RDC n.12/2001 ANVISA/MS) criated for regulatory agency. In this case the legislation is applied from food for sale and not from quality control for food industry. The tolerance limit from ready-to-eat product.: Salmonella must be absence, Staphylococcus coagulase positive is 1000 CFU, E. coli is acceptable 50 CFU as faecal contaminate limit and Clostridium Silfide Redutor is 1000 CFU, Bacillus cereus 1000CFU too, but remember, in this case the tolerance is maximum and the parameter are minimal. 
In foodborne outbreaks other microorganisms like campylobacter, enterotoxigenic E. coli e.g and staphylococcal enterotoxins must be investigated
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Very few guidelines  have been published on the acceptable level of microorganisms on surfaces. The US Public Health Service recommends that cleaned and disinfected food service equipment should not exceed 10 viable microorganisms per cm2.  The UK Public Health Laboratory Service (PHLS)  recommended guidelines for cleaned surfaces ready for use: less than 80cfu/cm2 is satisfactory, 80-1000 cfu/cm2 is borderline

and over 1000 cfu/cm2 is unsatisfactory. In addition, a Local Authorities Co-ordinating Body on Food and Trading Standards (LACOTS)/PHLS study of cleaning standards and practices in food premises correlated samples (surface samples and cleaning cloths) having aerobic colony counts > 1000 cfu/cm2 with premises that did not have adequate food hygiene training, hazard analysis, cleaning schedules or cleaning records in place.


Chapter IX of EU 852/2004, the Commission Regulation on hygiene standards and the microbial criteria for foodstuffs, states that foodstuffs and ingredients (and by implication, food contact surfaces) should not contain micro-organisms which present an unacceptable risk to human health.

1 Thank



Can anyone tell me, where I can find references for the acceptable microbial limits in food contact area?

Dear Pat,


I assume you refer to surfaces.


Please see -



Rgds / Charles.C

1 Thank

Thank you Charles for the perfect compilation!

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