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Module 12 - Monitoring Refrigeration Units for Environmental

Started by , Nov 24 2014 08:50 PM
1 Reply

Can anyone tell me how they are fulfilling this requirement of SQF?  It is under the 12.6.8 Transport section (pg 166 of code) - so I am reading this as monitoring for potential environmental contaminants of reefer units - how do you suggest going about this? Is this really necessary if all items are packaged, in cases, and the pallet is wrapped with plastic? 


Thanks in advance!!

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The usual requirement is for loading checks to include a visual inspection to ensure the unit is clean, free of pest infestation, in sound structural condition and that the unit is free of offensive odors and substances likely to taint the product.


Some people may also carry out swabbing to verify the cleanliness of the unit, this would depend on the risk of the product and the degree of protection offered by the primary and secondary packaging.





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