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Happy Monday!

Started by , Nov 24 2014 05:46 PM
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120 Replies

I know I like to live dangerously....but hey its a short week for many of us in the US and I am looking forward to Thursday off.....sooooo for your viewing pleasure...... I submit the following....



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Yes I do and they are not long enough!  I want another!  But a cookie will do in the meantime.  :w00t:

Soooo, is there any other way to post an image except through a URL?  I wanted to put up something that I made and put on my FB page, but it appears as a broken link, probably because it is a secure site.


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Yes I do and they are not long enough!  I want another!  But a cookie will do in the meantime.  :w00t:



Ah cookie monster.....I love the cookie monster.....I am the cookie monster.  Love the muppets, Kermy, the Swedish chef,  Elmo (how can you not love Elmo), my husband is Oscar the grouch.  The world without muppets would a less happy place. 

I make ginger snaps and sugar cookies from my sainted mother's recipes.  I've had former co-workers email and ask if they could buy some.  If you are a cookie baker as well as a cookie monster, I could share the recipes.


I also am a cookie monster.  There used to be cookies called Brown Edge Wafers made by Nabisco.  They were heavenly. 


Drats, now I want some cookies...



  Love the muppets, Kermy, the Swedish chef,  Elmo (how can you not love Elmo), my husband is Oscar the grouch.  The world without muppets would a less happy place. 

I remember when Jim Henson was just starting out, he was a student at the University of MD.  He had a 5  minute show on Washington DC television called "Sam and Friends," which came on right before the Huntley-Brinkley report on NBC.  Kermit was there, and you could see the origins of others of the Muppets.  And the prerequisite explosions.  Very little of this show was kept, but this was one of their most ingenious skits.




I remember that when the newsmen gave their introductions right afterwards, they had a hard time keeping straight faces.


Jim Henson died too soon.



Why is there never any love for Grover. He is my favorite. The most "out there" monster.

I make ginger snaps and sugar cookies from my sainted mother's recipes.  I've had former co-workers email and ask if they could buy some.  If you are a cookie baker as well as a cookie monster, I could share the recipes.


I also am a cookie monster.  There used to be cookies called Brown Edge Wafers made by Nabisco.  They were heavenly. 


Drats, now I want some cookies...



 Ohhhh, I would love the recipes.  I love cookies.  I have a cookie recipe from my Danish grandmother, which is mostly butter, sugar, cream cheese and a little flour to keep it all together and I can't stop eating them once there made. 


I always cookies and there is always room for cookies!!

Why is there never any love for Grover. He is my favorite. The most "out there" monster.


Grover is wonderful and I was remiss for not including him. 

Jim Henson died too soon.




And it could have so easily been prevented. 

 Ohhhh, I would love the recipes.  I love cookies.  I have a cookie recipe from my Danish grandmother, which is mostly butter, sugar, cream cheese and a little flour to keep it all together and I can't stop eating them once there made. 


I always cookies and there is always room for cookies!!

Here they are.  The Suger Cakes (really cookies, this is an old recipe) are baked in a very hot oven, and they go from not done to burnt very fast.  If you don't have someone skilled to watch the oven, keep your eye on the cookies.  I always burn at least one pan, and I've been baking them since I was 7.





Ginger Snaps

1 c. Crisco

1 1/2 c. granulated sugar

2 eggs, beaten light

1 c. Green Label Molasses (Brer Rabbit is the brand I prefer, but the important thing is that it be Green Label molasses rather than Gold Label or Blackstrap)

Sift together:

1 tbsp soda

1 tbsp ground ginger

Flour enough to roll (about 4 1/2 c.).  the dough should pull away from the bowl but not stiff.  It will stiffen up while it chills.

Chill several hours or overnight.

Roll out on floured pastry cloth with a floured sock on the rolling pin.

Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes, until they are no longer puffed up and have totally flattened out, but before they darken. They will be soft as they come off the cookie sheet, but will crisp up during cooling.


Sugar Cakes (Cookies)

4 eggs, beaten light.  Add 2 cups sugar, flavoring, one cup butter, two teaspoons of cream of tartar, one of soda, flour to make a soft dough (about 4 cups.)  Chill for a couple of hours.

Flavoring: 1 ½ - 2 tsp lemon extract

                 1 tsp vanilla extract

Roll out on a floured pastry cloth with a pastry sock on the rolling pin.  Bake at 450 degrees for 6-8 minutes.

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Soooo, is there any other way to post an image except through a URL?  I wanted to put up something that I made and put on my FB page, but it appears as a broken link, probably because it is a secure site.


Want to join in on the fun...




I had to ask as well.  You can also copy and paste the picture in.  however there is a size limit that I run into at times.

Cookies?? you need Welsh Cakes, with a bit of butter spread over the top!


Caz x

I had to ask as well.  You can also copy and paste the picture in.  however there is a size limit that I run into at times.

I tried, but I did not get the paste option.  I'll have to try again.




Cookies?? you need Welsh Cakes, with a bit of butter spread over the top!


Caz x


Recipe, please?



I tried, but I did not get the paste option.  I'll have to try again.




Yeah try again.  It may have to do with how you're copying because if it doesn't go into your computer's clipboard then paste won't be available. 

Yeah try again.  It may have to do with how you're copying because if it doesn't go into your computer's clipboard then paste won't be available. 

Tried.  Copied image.  It would not past here, option was not available.  It would paste into MS Word, so it was on the clipboard.  Maybe I'm too much of a lowbee yet to get that option.  Or maybe the forum does not like me.  :crybaby:



Tried.  Copied image.  It would not past here, option was not available.  It would paste into MS Word, so it was on the clipboard.  Maybe I'm too much of a lowbee yet to get that option.  Or maybe the forum does not like me.  :crybaby:





M instead of using the paste option just use control-v.  That worked for me. Then GL finding images small enough lol I was trying to use some pics of the guys from young guns but they were all too big. lol

Control v worked.  *sigh*  I must want to follow the rules too much and use the mechanics of the site.






Awwww... poor puppy.


you're welcome :doctor:

Awwww... poor puppy.


you're welcome :doctor:

That's my dog, giving his patented Mocha glare.  Trust me, he's not neglected by any means.



Control v worked.  *sigh*  I must want to follow the rules too much and use the mechanics of the site.






It is!  At least in the States

It is!  At least in the States

Wellll, I had been trying to post this since Monday, :lol2:

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