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Can anyone recommend food safety software--not cloud based

Started by , Nov 04 2014 11:42 PM
19 Replies

The title says most of it.  I am looking at automating, but doubt company will go for cloud based.  Any recommendations? 

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Safefood 360° is cloud based.

1 Thank

Thanks RG3, but don't want cloud based.  Most of the heavily advertised are cloud based. 

For home learning try - http://www.clsolutions.co.uk/

1 Thank

Hi Harriet,



"Food Safety software" is pretty broad.  Most QMS software claim to have food/beverage Modules, some are better than others.  SafetyChain, Tracegains, EtQ are a few that seem to lean towards food safety depending on what you want.

1 Thank

Try MasterControl. If I recall correctly, their software is very broad and if ERP is used for accounting/planning in your company, it can be linked to this software. I had a tutorial scheduled with them and they were very helpful. All this happened while I was working for another company and I left prior to a decision made to invest in it.

1 Thank

I have looked at a number of the most obvious Safety Chain, Safefood 360, ETQ, but all are cloud based, though each had aspects I liked.  I will take a look at Tracegains and Master Control. 

Take a look at Safety Chain Software.

1 Thank

Take a look at Safety Chain Software.


Thank you but they are cloud based.  Our company is not keen on cloud and would prefer for this software and our information to be on our server's. 



Innova Quality Control is server based QC monitoring system made by Marel. It is used worldwide in all food industries. 


Please contact me for further information.




1 Thank



Innova Quality Control is server based QC monitoring system  made by Marel. It is used worldwide in all food industries. 



Thank you Gustaf and :welcome:  to the fourm. 

What's your problem with cloud snookie?

Company is concerned about security and control especially on  software that includes so much sensitive information.  Speed and access are also issues.  On a software suite which was cloud based, speed and access were issues. 

Hi Snookie,
"Food Safety Software" is becoming quite a broad term so if you could narrow the focus of your question a little that might be helpful. I.e. what is the pain point you would like to address with software? Traceability, management, PRP's, CCP monitoring, Doc Control, all of the above etc?
As previous posters have alluded, cloud is where the world is moving (moved?!) and most vendors are shifting towards cloud-only offerings. I think ETQ might still offer on-premise (traditional) or hybrid (private hosted) solutions.
We’re 100% cloud so I can’t help you much if you’re convinced that cloud is not right for your company. I could convince you otherwise but I will resist!
Note that many cloud vendors will now offer offline ‘apps’ which will get around the internet issue you mentioned.
Let me know if you need any more information. And do please let us know specifically what you want to solve with software. I can certainly point you in the right direction, which may be back to where you are presently.
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Hi Snookie,


I was wondering if you had tried out any of software suggested in replies.  We currently use calendars, spreadsheets and formulas galore and i would love to migrate to software. 

Hi Snookie,


I was wondering if you had tried out any of software suggested in replies.  We currently use calendars, spreadsheets and formulas galore and i would love to migrate to software. 



Many of us are in the same place as you.  Based on size of our company and the cost not sure it is doable. 



Why the aversion to a cloud based system? Does your IT department not have enough to do?





Why the aversion to a cloud based system? Does your IT department not have enough to do?




Our IT management is unique to be sure......we need a department. 

Hi all,


This topic may be old, but our company is also looking for a non-cloud based ERP. Here are some solutions that we have evaluated: TrueERP, PRIMS (from Sage 50), QT9, Lighthouse, Softtrace, Tamlin, bcFoods, IQMS, BatchMaster, Vicinity, Aspen Systems.


Hope this helps!

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